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 Student health care and welfare

Student health care and welfare services

Student health care

There are student health care services available in all of the towns where Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences has units. According to the Primary Health Care Act (L66/1972, 14 §) all students are entitled to receive health care irrespective of where their hometown is. Health care includes general health care, medical care, dentistry, and ensuring the conditions in the study environment are healthy.

Bachelor and master degree students

As a pilot service, the student health care services in Seinäjoki will be organized by The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) at least until 31st of July 2014. (Also known as YTHS which is the Finnish acronym of the organization.) The services are available for those students who are studying in Seinäjoki UAS bachelor and master degree programmes and who have paid the FSHS fee. It is highly recommended that students use the FSHS services, because such high quality services are hard to find anywhere else with such low cost. After paying the FSHS fee (42 euros per academic year), the degree students have access to several services with little or no charge, including for example General Practitioner, Public Health Nurse, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Dental health care and so on. The FSHS services do not apply to exchange students. More detailed information: www.seamk.fi/fshs. All degree students who have not paid the FSHS fee must contact the local health centre for regular health services.

Exchange students

Exchange students may contact the public health nurses in Business School (address: Koulukatu 41) and School of Health Care and Social Work (address: Koskenalantie 17).

On-call duty and emergency services

FSHS is open and the public health nurses are available only during the day on business days. For acute treatment during evenings, nights and weekends please contact the health centre of the study location’s town. During night time (22.00–8.00) please contact directly the Seinäjoki Central Hospital, address Hanneksenrinne 7.

General Emergency Number for ambulance/police/fire brigade: 112 (free calls)

Student pastor

Ms Aila Orsila works as the student pastor/chaplain at Seinäjoki UAS. Contact her at aila.orsila(at)seamk.fi or +358 (0)44 580 6651.

For more information about the chaplain's services, see our website.

Information about other health care and social welfare services can be found at our website.

ops.seamk.fi - Kampusranta 11, 2nd floor (Frami F), 60320 SEINÄJOKI - Puhelin: +358 20 124 5000 - Faksi: +358 20 124 5001 - opintotoimisto@seamk.fi