ECTS system
ECTS system
ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
The purpose of the European Credit Transfer System, ETCS is to
improve the transparency and recognition of credits and grades between different
educational systems in Europe. The system facilities the transfer of learning
experiences, exchange programmes and the creation of joint degree.
ECTS was originally developed to facilitate the transfer of
credits when students completed studies in foreign institutions of higher
education (foreign exchanges). Nowadays, ECTS is a student-oriented accumulation
and transfer system for completed studies and grades, which is widely used in
Europe. The system is based on the amount of studies a student has, i.e. the
academic workload, in relation to the objectives to be achieved. The objectives
are indicated as learning outcomes and competences.
Diploma Supplement
The structure of degrees in Finland has been modified to
correspond to European objectives, the assessment system is being modifies and
degrees have been made more transparent with the Diploma Supplement, which is an
appendix to graduates' degree certificate. All students who complete a degree at
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences also receive a Diploma Supplement
automatically and free of charge on their graduation.
In 2010, Seinäjoki UAS was awarded with Diploma Supplement
Label for good compliance with the Diploma Supplement practices.
Assessing studies
Studies are measured in credit points. One academic year of
full-time study is equivalent to 60 credits points. This amount of work includes
all of the work required of students, such as lectures, seminars, independent
study, projects, preparation for exams, etc. To receive one credit point,
students must work an average of 27 hours.
In Finland, universities of applied sciences and academic
universities adopted the credit point system in 2005. The previously used to
study weeks are converted to credit points by multiplying them by 1.5.
Study Guide
Seinäjoki UAS publishes yearly a Study Guide (course
catalogue) with descriptions of degree programmes, study modules and courses, as
instructed by the ECTS User's Guide. The Study Guide also includes general
information related to Seinäjoki UAS and studies.
ECTS and foreign exchanges in Europe
Students who wish to participate in a foreign exchange to a
partner institution in Europe must first fill out the Student Application Form.
Once a student has been accepted for the exchange, he/she must make a Learning
Agreement and discuss their studies with the ECTS/international co-ordinator and
head of degree programme. The ECTS coordinator(s) in Seinäjoki UAS and the
students' degree programme sign the Learning Agreement, and it is sent to the
partner institution for confirmation. The plan for the studies can be modified
due to a change in the courses offered, for example. Students must fill out an
amendment form, which is confirmed by their signature and the signature of the
representatives of both institutions.
Before returning from their exchange in a foreign institution,
students must request a Transcript of Records, which contains the completed
courses, grades and accrued credit points according to the practices in the
foreign institution and the ECTS system. Once a student has returned, he/she
gives the Transcript of Records to the international co-ordinator/head of degree
programme to receive recgnition for the studies completed in the foreign
institution. The data is entered into the transcript system in the student's
home institution. The data is entered into the transcript system in the
student's home institution according to the practices in the ECTS system.
ECTS coordinators in Seinäjoki UAS
Päivö Laine, Head of Programme, and Helli Kitinoja, Director
of International Affairs, function as the Institutional ECTS Coordinators at
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. The coordinators for international
affairs in Seinäjoki UAS's different schools function as Departmental ECTS
Coordinators for foreign exchanges. They also provide more detailed information
about the ECTS system and the related forms.