yops.seamk.fi - Study Guide
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Cost of living and meals

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences does not charge any tuition fees. However, students are required to cover their living expenses (accommodation, meals, free time and social activities). Students must also pay for their textbooks and other study materials as well as travel between their accommodation and faculty.

Students who have a student card are rendered discounts at the National Railways (VR), the Bus Transportation Company (Matkahuolto) and in some restaurants, department stores and smaller shops.

Each school has a restaurant where lunch is served to students at subsidized student prices.

More information concerning the international comparison of prices and costs of living expenses is available at Statistics Finland: International Price Comparison.

ops.seamk.fi - Kampusranta 11, 2nd floor (Frami F), 60320 SEINÄJOKI - Puhelin: +358 20 124 5000 - Faksi: +358 20 124 5001 - opintotoimisto@seamk.fi