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Studying in a university of applied sciences

The University of Applied Sciences system is based on Finland's national and regional needs in education. Universities of applied sciences provide a practical alternative to academic universities and offer the highest possible level of education in the professional fields taught in them. During their studies, students acquire the theoretical knowledge required in the working world and the practical professional skills required in the working world and the practical professional skills required of experts in a given field.

Teaching in universities of applied sciences is based on science, but it involves practical orientation. A wide range of teaching and learning methods are utilised, and the amount of contact teaching is less than what would usually be expected. Hence, students are expected to take responsibility for their learning. In a changing and developing society, information is constantly being renewed. For this reason, skills in communication and acquiring information are especially accentuated, as well as the upkeep and development of one's study and learning techniques. It is also important that students acquire a positive attitude toward lifelong learning while they are studying.

The aim of studies in universities of applied sciences is to train independent, creative experts capable of collaboration with others, who are internationally oriented and who work in field-related jobs associated with planning/designing, development, consultation, training, management and entrepreneurship in a society that is ever changing and developing.

One of the strengths in the universities of applied sciences lies in their international activities; indeed international activities are an integral part of today's working world. Students may complete a double degree or a joint degree based on the agreements of Seinäjoki UAS and its partner universities abroad, or complete some part of their studies or practical training abroad.

Studies completed abroad are accepted as part of the degree completed in Finland. Universities of applied sciences also offer degree programmes and individual courses that are taught completely in a foreign language. Foreign students from different parts of the world also study in universities of applied sciences.

Collaboration with business, labour, cultural and public and private organisations is an integral part of the activities in universities of applied sciences. Practical training, various projects and theses are carried out together with various companies and other organisations. Many students have said that the practical training is one of the best stages in their education in the UAS. The place where students do their practical training may have a significant impact on their future, as it may be the first proper place of employment after they graduate.

In 2012, Seinäjoki UAS will launch FramiPro which is a learning environment for combining different fields of study in a new way. In FramiPro, students of different academic fields complete a part of their studies by accumulating their learning through project work. Learning is based on assignments by the order of working life representatives. The students solve the assigned problems by experimenting, researching and utilizing their innovativeness and creativity. More information at www.seamk.fi/framipro.

Framework for degrees and other expertise

The European Qualification Framework (EQF) comprises eight (8) levels, which cover all degrees from the basic level to the advanced level. The definitions of the EQF levels are based on the descriptions of the learning results. The EQF describes learner's knowledge, skills and competence irrespective of the institution where they obtained their degree or qualifications. The EQF levels are based on the descriptions of the learning results. The EQF describes learners' knowledge, skills and competence irrespective of the institution where they obtained their degree or qualifications. The EQF includes comprehensive education, vocational education and higher education.

The purpose of the framework for European degrees is to merge together the different degree systems in different countries to facilitate comparability and understanding of the degrees. The primary aim of the framework is to promote the mobility of citizens between countries and to promote lifelong learning. A further aim is to improve the transparency and credit transfer of degrees as well as the recognition of acquired learning through experience as part of students' studies.

The National Qualification Framework (NQF) provides descriptions of the degree acquired in Finland and of the special competences acquired by people who have obtained higher education. The purpose of this framework is to describe Finnish degrees and the competences they accrue in a uniform, comprehendible and comparable way. Expertise is described as knowledge, skills and competence, which are the foundation for setting goals and assessment. In the Finnish National Qualification Framework, all of the degree are placed on one of the eight levels.

Bachelor UAS degrees have been place on level 6 and master UAS degrees on level 7. The expertise required for the levels are described in the outline of the framework as follows:

NQF, Level 6
University of applied sciences degrees/ bachelor's degrees

Commands a wide range of advanced knowledge, which comprises theory, essential concepts, methods and the critical understanding and assessment of principles, related to one's chosen field. Understands the scope and limitations of professional duties and/or discipline. Commands advanced skills, which indicate competence in learned information, is able to apply learned knowledge and to generate creative solutions, which are needed in specialised professional, scientific and artistic fields to solve complex, unpredictable problems.

Is competent in managing complex professional activities or projects, or competent in working independently in field-related specialist job positions. Is competent in decision-making in unpredictable environments. Has basic ability to work as an independent entrepreneur. Is competent in taking charge of the assessment and development of one's know-how and the development of individual people and groups.

Is ready to engage in continuous learning. Is competent in communicating verbally and in writing with others within the field and outside the field. Is able to independently communicate and interact on the international level in one of the official languages in Finland and in at least one foreign language.

NQF, level 7
Advanced university of applied science degrees/master's degrees

Commands a wide range of highly advanced expertise related to one's chosen field, which comprises essential concepts, methods and knowledge to use in thinking independently and/or as the foundation of research. Understands the questions pertaining to one's field and other fields and critical evaluation of those questions as well as new information. Is competent in solving challenging problems pertaining to research and innovation activities where new information and methods developed and the knowledge in different fields is applied and combined.

Is competent in working independently in demanding field-related expert job positions or as an entrepreneur. Is competent in managing and developin complex, unpredictable and strategic approaches. Is competent in managing people and/or things. Is competent in evaluating the activities of individuals and/or groups. Is competent in augmenting field-related information and practices and/or ensuring the development of others.

Is ready to engage in continuous learning. Is competent in communicating verbally and in writing with others within the field and outside the field. Is able to independently communicate and interact on the international level in one of the official languages in Finnish and in at least one foreign language.

Generic competences for UAS graduates

Competences are understood as wide-ranging entities of expertise, i.e. composites of knowledge, skills and attitudes possessed by individuals. Competences depict individuals' proficiency, capacity and ability to perform professional duties.

The generic competences are common to all of the degree programmes, but they may emphasise different types of knowledge and skills depending on the profession and job duties. The generic competence lay a foundation for students' participation and collaboration in the working world as well as for their professional development.

Degree-specific competences form the foundation of students' development of expertise. The degree-specific competences are described in the information pertaining to each degree programme.

Generic Competences for UAS Graduates
Recommendation by Arene (Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences)

Generic competences 

Description of  the competence, bachelor level 

Description of the competence, master level

Learning competence 

  • is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style orientation
  • is able to retrieve and analyze information and evaluate it critically
  • is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams
  • is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s expertise in a versatile and focused way
  • is able to retrieve, analyze and produce information and evaluate it critically from the point of view of different fields
  • is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning in a target-oriented way

Ethical competence 

  • is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and for the consequences of these actions
  • is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
  • is able to take other people into account in one’s actions
  • is able to apply the principles of equality
  • is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
  • is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values
  • is able to take responsibility for the actions of a community and for the consequences of these actions
  • is able to apply the ethical principles of the subject field as an expert and as a developer of working life
  • is able to make decisions considering an individual and the community
  • is able to contribute to the principles of equality in working life
  • is able to contribute to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility
  • is capable of leading socially influential activities based on ethical values


Working community competence

  • is able to operate as a member of a work community
  • is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
  • is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s subject field
  • knows the working life in one’s subject field and is able to create personal contacts in working life and to operate in professional networks
  • is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
  • is able to apply the principles of organizational management and leadership in working life and has abilities for supervision tasks
  • possesses entrepreneurial skills
  • is able to develop the operations of a work community
  • is able to develop multidisciplinary communication and interaction in working life
  • is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s work
  • is able to create networks and partnerships
  • is capable of management and supervision tasks and is able to improve activities in complicated and unpredictable environments
  • is able to work as an expert or entrepreneur and has abilities for management and supervision tasks

Innovation competence

  • is able to conduct research, development and innovation projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
  • is able to work in projects
  • is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
  • is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions
  • is able to manage research, development and innovation projects and masters the methods of research and development work
  • is able to manage project work
  • is able to create new information and improve existing working methods by combining expertise from different fields
  • is able to develop customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions

Internationalization competence

  • possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field
  • is able to operate in a multicultural environment
  • takes into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field
  • is capable of international communication in one’s work and in the development of operations
  • is able to operate in international environments
  • is able to predict the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field

In addition to the above-mentioned competences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences emphasises the following generic competences:

Description of competence:

Entrepreneurial competence  

  • Understanding of the interaction involved in the operations in a company and the business environment, and of the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of working.
  • Understanding of the principles associated with a profitable business, and ability to analyse the operations and risks in a business.

Quality control competence

  • Knowledge of the typical field-related quality control systems. 
  • Understanding of quality-control and the requirements of quality-control systems.

Structure of university of applied sciences studies

Studies at universities of applied sciences are organised into degree programmes, which vary in the number of credits they accrue (210 - 240) and the length of time it takes to the complete the programme (3.5 - 4 years).

A degree programme is a course of study, which provides students with the professional skills they need in the working world to work in develop their chosen field. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences has 20 different degree programmes leading to a UAS degree. Several of the programmes also have different lines of specialisation or areas of emphasis from which students can choose. Each university of applied sciences degree programme includes Basic Studies, Professional Studies, practical training and a final thesis.

The studies and associated teaching is organised in the for of courses. There are compulsory, optional and elective courses. The curriculum for each degree programme states the extent of a course in credits (ECTS), and objective(s), content, literature/study material, learning methods, assessment and possible courses that students may be required to complete before attending the course in question.

The extent of the studies is measured with the ECTS credit point system. Points are allotted to courses according to the amount of work required to complete them. An average of 1,600 hours of work required to complete one academic year of study is equivalent to 60 ECTS credit points.

Basic studies

The Basic studies provide students with an overall picture of the degree programme and the field studied. The development of theoretical knowledge, economic activity, environmental awareness and international activity are an essential part of the Basic Studies. The studies also involve orientation into various methods to use in studying, and there is special emphasis on developing students' language and commucation skills. The extent of the Basic Studies varies depending on the degree programme.

Professional Studies

During their Professional Studies, students are introduced to the essential professional issues and applications related to the degree programme, as well as their underlying scientific, technological and artistic principles. Professional studies prepare students to work independently in expert tasks within their chosen field. There are compulsory, optional and elective studies in the Professional Studies

Elective studies

Students may take elective studies either at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences or at other institutions of higher education in Finland and abroad. The decision to approve and include elective studies in a student's in a student's degree is made at the UAS.

Practical training

The purpose of the practical training is to orientate students into the duties, practices and cultures associated with their chosen professional field in a real work environment. Furthermore, students learn to apply the knowledge they have learned while studying into practise. The practical training is supervised and it may be divided into several parts. Practical training is obligatory and equivalent to 30-85 credits depending on the degree programme.


Toward the end of theirs studies, students are required to do a final thesis whereby they demonstrate their ability to apply theory into practise doing research or projects related to their chosen professional field. Indeed, the thesis may be in the form of a study, a survey or a project dealing in research and development, product development or designing, and it is presented as a written report. The thesis is equivalent to 15 credits. Upon completion of the thesis, students sit a maturity test by which they demonstrate their knowledge in their chosen professional field and their skills in using their first language.

Qualifications acquired in a university of applied sciences

A degree obtained at a university of applied sciences provides qualifications to work in public posts or duties requiring a higher-education degree, a degree completed in an institution of higher education, a university degree or a bachelor's degree (A464/1998)

A university of applied sciences master's degree provides qualifications in field-specific public posts and it is equivalent to the master's degrees completed in academic universities and other institutions of higher education.

More information about the UAS master's degree is available in this guide in the section concerning adult education.

The degrees in Finnish universities of applied sciences are equivalent to the corresponding degrees completed in other European universities of applied sciences.

Online studies

Online studies involve learning through communications networks. The purpose of online studies is to utilise modern tools and methods of study and to seek alternative ways to complete courses. Online studies are offered either in part or completely through communications networks, especially the Internet, and the material and services available there. The aim is to give all students the opportunity to complete part of their studies online (ca. 30 credits).

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences utilises the Moodle online learning environment to carry out online courses (lakeusmoodle.epedu.fi). Moodle offers teachers a diverse range of opportunities to plan and carry out online teaching and supervise students' learning process. For students, the environment is easy to use and gives them the opportunity to study flexibly anywhere in the world.

Some courses may also utilise the Adobe Connect communications system software. Participating in Connect network lectures usually requires a microphone-headphone combination that connects to a computer and/or merely a computer with an Internet connection. Courses may also utilise network software for social media.

The various online courses offered at the various universities of applied sciences are available on the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences portal www.amk.fi. Onlinen UAS studies are intended for degree students. Before applying for the courses in the Online UAS portal, students must agree upon how the studies will be completed, accepted as part of the degree, etc. with the head of degree programme or student counsellor in their faculty. More detailed instructions for applying to Online UAS courses and application forms are available on the Seinäjoki UAS Intranet.

For more information concerning online studies, contact Coordinator Asko Ojanperä at +358 (0)40 830 4278 or asko.ojanpera(at)seamk.fi

ops.seamk.fi - Kampusranta 11, 2.krs (Frami F), 60320 SEINÄJOKI - Puhelin: +358 20 124 5000 - Faksi: +358 20 124 5001 - opintotoimisto@seamk.fi