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Degree Programme in International Business


The programme has no specialisations.

Qualification awarded

Bachelor of Business Administration

Level of qualification

The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a first cycle Bachelor-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the degree represents level 6.

Specific admission requirements

Please see the Applicant's Guide or the website www.seamk.fi.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning

The curriculum of the degree programme and students' active role in their learning provide the basis of recognition of prior learning (RPL). Students assess their own competencies in relation to the goals of the course in question, consider the competencies they wish to have recognised based on self-assessment, apply for recognition and provide the necessary demonstration of their skills. It is the task of the student counsellor to inform students of the recognition and assessment process, to discuss students' Personal Study Plan and to guide students in the demonstration of prior learning.

The teacher of the course in question determines whether or not a student can receive credit for the entire course or part of it through demonstration of his/her existing skills. If this is possible, the teacher will compile the required type of demonstration, inform the student of what (s)he needs to do, how extensive the task will be, how it will be assessed and the schedule in which time the task must be completed. The student then completes the required task. The teacher accepts and assesses the work. The teacher or head of degree programme makes the official decision concerning the matter (recognition).

RPL staff and their duties in the degree programme

It is the task of the student counsellor/adult education coordinator to inform students of the recognition and assessment process, to discuss students' Personal Study Plan and to guide students in the demonstration of prior learning.

The course teacher determines whether or not a student's prior learning can be recognised, compiles the required type of demonstration, informs the student of what (s)he needs to do, how extensive the task will be, how it will be assessed and the schedule in which time the task must be completed. The student submits the task to the teacher in question who assesses it.

The head of degree programme decides whether or not a student's previously completed studies can be recognised.

Courses included and not included in the RPL process

Studies leading to degree qualifications (degree certificate) are not accepted as part of the studies in the university of applied sciences as such. If, however, part of the studies is accepted, demonstration of the acquired competencies is required.

Because of the process-based implementation of the first-year virtual enterprise courses, these studies are not ordinarily within the RPL system.

At least 12 credits of the Professional Studies must be completed in the Degree Programme in International Business.

Finnish students must complete at least one Swedish course.

Field-specific requirements for competence

To receive recognition for language studies requires that students demonstrate adequate skills in field-specific language.

Programme-specific regulations pertaining to the recognition of prior competence, assessment practices

There are various course-specific methods used in the Degree Programme in International Business to recognise previously learned competence. A list of these methods can be found SeAMK's RPL Guidelines.

Qualification requirements and regulations

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Pedagogical approach

In the Degree Programme in International Business teaching is implemented in accordance with the model of integrative learning. The basic components of expertise: theoretical knowledge, practical skills, self-regulation knowledge and skills and socio-cultural knowledge are tightly integrated. The implementation of the curriculum focuses on experiential learning in a multicultural environment. Learning begins from students' concrete experiences, which they analyse and reflect upon. Self-assessment contributes to the understanding of phenomena and development of new modes of action.

Basic studies involve running a virtual enterprise, and learning is based on practical tasks. During the professional studies, emphasis is placed on increasing project activities, in the international context as well. Courses can also be completed in a simulated environment with multicultural groups and in online learning environments. In the bachelor's thesis theoretical knowledge is applied to practical problem-solving and business development.

Profile of the programme

The objective of the Degree Programme in International Business, which is taught in English, is to prepare students for specialised tasks in international business and marketing. The students get an overall picture of business management and will focus on the international operations of companies and organisations.

The operational environment of today's enterprises is based on international networks to an increasing extent. The students will be competent in international business operations, marketing and management. Students will engage in practical training to reinforce the theoretical knowledge they have learned in these areas during their studies.

The degree programme is based on well-founded understanding of entrepreneurship and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Students also acquire good practical language skills through working and studying abroad during a period of one academic year. At the final stage of their studies, students are given an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the business and culture of a target area of their choice in connection with their practical training and thesis work.

In addition to the above-mentioned competencies, students may engage in the following:

  • Yritystalli provides students with the opportunity to develop their own business idea and competence as an entrepreneur while they study.
  • Students have the opportunity to participate in the FramiPro programme in which commissioned projects are conducted in interdisciplinary student teams.
  • Students have the opportunity to complete a double degree, one in SeAMK and one in a partner institution abroad.

Occupational profiles

The Degree Programme in International Business provides students with qualifications for a large range of various jobs on the global market in Finland and abroad.

As stated in the sections Profile of the Programme and Key Learning Outcomes, Bachelors of Business Administration graduating from the Degree Programme in International Business may work in the following jobs, for example:

  • Expert in international business: export manager, sales manager, product manager, export assistant, marketing assistant, sales assistant, marketing planner, marketing communications planner, sales negotiator, customer service coordinator

In addition, emphasis on various areas of studies provides students with career opportunities in a number of specialised jobs.

Internationalization in the Degree Programme

The language of tuition in the programme is English and the programme is planned to attract both Finnish and international students. The key content of the programme is international business. Visiting lecturers are used and in the second year a number of mobility students join the courses.

The programme contains student mobility in the form of a study period abroad and a practical training placement in an international context. Students also have an opportunity to complete a double degree in cooperation with a number of European partner higher education institutions.

Access to further studies

Students who have completed this programme are eligible to continue on to second-cycle higher education studies. For second-cycle studies in Finland, three years' work experience is also required. University of applied sciences act 351/2003, in Finnish)

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Regulations pertaining to the operations in universities of applied sciences

Graduation requirements

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra

Mode of study (full-time, part-time, e-learning)

As a rule, students study full-time. Certain modules and courses may be completed through distance learning.

Contact persons

Head of the degree programme:
Mr Päivö Laine, tel. +358 40 830 4175,
e-mail: paivo.laine(at)seamk.fi

Student counselor:
Ms Miia Koski, tel. +358 40 868 0208,
e-mail: miia.koski(at)seamk.fi

ECTS departmental coordinator /International coordinator:
Ms Marjo Arola, tel. +358 40 830 4216,
e-mail: marjo.arola(at)seamk.fi

ops.seamk.fi - Kampusranta 11, 2.krs (Frami F), 60320 SEINÄJOKI - Puhelin: +358 20 124 5000 - Faksi: +358 20 124 5001 - opintotoimisto@seamk.fi