Coaching for Studies and Work

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAPS40
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   2 autumn   4.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   2 autumn   4.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to use the psychosocial approach and professional interaction when coaching clients for studies and work. They are aware of what kind of needs and challenges are related to studying and worklife, for example in the lives of young people, immigrants, long-term unemployed, people with mental health problems and people with various disabilities. Students learn in what kind of settings coaching for studies or work can take place and what kind of principles are implemented, for example, in rehabilitative work and workshops. Students can name several partners who can help clients start studies or promote their employment. Students learn work orientations and methods used in coaching for studies and work. The can apply the methods in practical work situations and develop and evaluate their action.

Student's Workload

106 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work


- challenges in studying or worklife in the lives of various client groups
- coaching for studies or worklife: settings, work orientations and practices
- collaboration partners and their operational logic
- a goal-oriented work process in coaching clients for studies or work
- the role of the coach
- evaluation and development of one's action

Recommended or Required Reading

- Eronen, A.ym.2014.Maahanmuuttajien työllistyminen. Taustatekijät, työnhaku ja työvoimapalvelut.
- Idström, A., Stenroos, M.&Uimonen, M. (toim.).2013.Oikeita töitä.Vammaisten ja osatyökykyisten työllistymisen toimivia käytäntöjä Ruotsista, Tanskasta, Virosta ja Suomesta.
- Karjalainen, V. & Keskitalo, E. (toim.) 2013. Kaikki työuralle! Työttömien aktivointipolitiikkaa Suomessa.
- Myrskylä, P.2011.Nuoret työmarkkinoiden ja opiskelun ulkopuolella.
- Oksanen, J.2014.Motivointi työvälineenä.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

- lectures, group work, independent study, simulation, visits to the field and lectures given by experts
- possibility for learning at work

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5.
Grade 5:
Students differentiate and compare work-orientations and work methods in coaching for studies and work. They analyze challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students compare working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted. They analyze how co-operating partners develope their work. Students are able to use extremely succesfully psychosocial work-orientation and professional interaction.
Grade 3-4:
Students differentiate work-orientations and work methods in coaching for studies and work. They are able to look at challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students describe working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted. They describe how co-operating partners develope their work. Students are able to use succesfully psychosocial work-orientation and professional interaction.
Grade 1-2:
Students name work-orientations and work methods in coaching for studies and work. They list challenges of participation to studies and work among different client groups. Students describe working fields where coaching to work and studies is implemented and principles which they have adopted. They name co-operating partners. Students are able to use psychosocial work-orientation and professional interaction.

Assessment Methods

Evaluation consists of exam (60%) and of applied assignment in group.

Work Placement

the course does not include practice

Further Information

Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Family Counselling
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Social Work in Multiprofessional Settings
