Supporting family care-giving

Structure Type: Course
Code: KFG11B045
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 2.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team: Hietaniemi, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Students will understand family care-giving from the perspectives of families/significant others and services. They will familiarise themselves extensively with research, reports and guidelines on family care-giving. They will also learn to organise, develop, support and supervise family care-giving.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


- The experience of being a family care-giver/other informal care-giver in the light of research
- Methods and tools for supporting family care-giving/other informal care
- Challenges in the development of family care-giving.

Recommended or Required Reading

Saarenheimo, M. & Pietilä, M. 2005. Omaishoidon tukeminen Suomessa; Geriatrisen kuntouksen tutkimus- ja kehittämishanke sov. osin; Voutilainen ym. 2007. Omaishoidon tuki sosiaalipalveluna sov. osin; Mikkola, T. 2009 Sinusta kiinni-tutkimus puolisohoivan arjen toimijuuksista.
- Research chosen by the lecturer to be summarised in pairs

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, collaborative learning, summaries on research

Assessment Criteria

Grading will be announced during the course.

Assessment Methods

Summaries on family care-giving in pairs and examination/essay
