Topics in Nutrition

Structure Type: Course
Code: KI15CPROJ20
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Nissinen, Kaija
Teacher Team: Nissinen, Kaija ; Eromäki, Hillevi ; Alanne, Soili
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
PALVELUJ-2016   3 spring   5.0   2019-01-01   2019-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students are familiar with the nutrition research and methods of it. They are able to follow the development of the nutrition field and apply the latest research knowledge and information to their work. He is able to assess the reliability of nutrition information. Student is able to plan and independently carry out counseling and guidance situations and projects. They are able to use versatile methods and material in teaching and in education events.

Student's Workload

135 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Health aspects in food production/Food and Health (finished)
Advanced nutrition studies (finished)
Development of nutritional effect (participation)
Nutrition communication and counseling (participation)


Current issues in nutrition research and nutrition research methods
* Making summaries and quoting nutrition research reports.
• Planning and carrying out nutrition education situations and projects with versatile methods and reporting them

Recommended or Required Reading

Curry, K. & Jaffe, A. (newest edition). Nutrition counselling & communication skills, Fogelholm, M. 2001. Ratkaisuja ravitsemukseen. Palmenia-kustanus.; Additional material will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, exercises, work shops, writing research abstracts, planning and carrying out nutrition education events and projects.

Assessment Criteria

Students are able to analyze current issues in nutrition and in nutrition research. Student knows nutrition research methods and how to do information retreval in the field of nutrition. Student is able to evaluate the reliability of research information. Students will also be competent in planning and independently carrying out counseling and guidance about nutritional issues and is able to argument made choises. They can apply their nutrition guidance skills and work as nutrition specialists in their working environment.
Students will become familiar with the current issues in nutrition and in nutrition research. Student recognise nutrition research methods and how to do information retreval in the filed of nutirition. Students will be competent in planning and independently carrying out counseling and guidance about some nutritional issues. They are able to interpret nutrition facts and use the latest knowledge in their working environment.

Students can name and give examples of the current issues in nutrition and in nutrition research. Student recognise nutrition research methods. Students are able to counsel and guide some basic nutritional issues. They know some principles of nutrition guidance and can promote nutritional aspect in their working environment.

Assessment Methods

Active participation in lectures and exercises, carrying out and reporting nutrition education events and projects, writing a research summaries.

Further Information

The cource will be arranged in English if needed.
