Personnel and Competency Management

Structure Type: Course
Code: KG30KEJO08
Type: Compulsory
Level: Master
Credits: 6.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Heikkilä, Asta
Teacher Team: Heikkilä, Asta
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
KEJO-2016   1 spring   2.0   2017-01-01   2017-07-31  
KEJO-2016   2 autumn   2.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
KEJO-2016   2 spring   2.0   2018-01-01   2018-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

The Student is able
- to analyze the field and the significance of strategic personnel management to the successful operation of the organization and to the work community´s well-being at work,
- to present and compare the principles of dialogic and participatory leadership utilizing research evidence and examples from practice,
- to plan strategy based actions to development of competency, and
- to sort out the competency requirements of manager, and to evaluate their own competencies and development needs in relation to them.

Student's Workload

160 hours in total; will be announced more specific at the beginning of the course

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required


Field and the Significance of Strategic Personnel Management to the Function of Organization
Human Resource Strategy and Planning
Dialogic and Participatory Leadership
Management and Good Practices of Well-Being at Work
Strategic Development of Competency
Manager´s Own Competency and Renewal

Recommended or Required Reading

Flinkman, M. 2014. Young registered nurses´ intent to leave the profession in Finland – a mixed-method study. Academic dissertation. Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, Finland. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku: Painosalama Oy. Available:

Häggman-Laitila, A. 2013. Hoitotyöntekijöiden työhyvinvointi ja työuupumus – Katsaus suomalaisten tieteellisten aikakauslehtien artikkeleihin. Hallinnon Tutkimus 32(4), 301–310.

Kujala, A. 2015. Esimiesten ammattijohtamisvalmiuksien mittaaminen visuaalisella kehyskertomuksella – murtuuko myytti? Tarkastelussa terveys- ja sosiaaliala. Väitöskirja. Acta Wasaensia, 333. Vaasan yliopisto, Filosofinen tiedekunta, Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede. Available:

Kultalahti, S. 2015. ”It’s so nice to be at work!” Adopting different perspectives in understanding Generation Y at work. Acta Wasaensia, 339. Vaasan yliopisto, Kauppatieteellinen tiedekunta, Johtamisen yksikkö. Available:

Pekkarinen, E. 2010. Sosiaalialan arvojohtajat ja muutoksen managerit. Laadullinen katsaus sosiaalialan johtamisen tutkimuksesta. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL), Avauksia 7/2010. Helsinki. Available:

Repo, S., Ravantti, E. & Pääkkönen, R. 2015. Johda tuottavasti – Opas työhyvinvoinnin ja tuottavuuden lisäämiseksi esimiestyön keinoin. Työterveyslaitos, Helsinki. Available:

Syvänen, S. ym. 2015. Dialoginen johtaminen. Avain tuloksellisuuteen, työelämän laatuun ja innovatiivisuuteen. Tampere: Tampereen Yliopistopaino Oy

Viitala, R. 2013. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Strateginen kilpailutekijä. Helsinki: Edita

Viitala, R. & Järlström, M. 2014 (toim.) Henkilöstöjohtaminen uuden edessä. Henkilöstöbarometrin nostamat kehityshaasteet. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja, tutkimuksia 302. Liiketaloustiede 107, Johtaminen ja organisaatiot. Available:

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, discussions, group work, independent study, e-learning in Moodle

Assessment Criteria

Satisfactory level (1-2):
The student has participated actively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the basic concepts of the course. Student has been able to use the basic concepts of the course in the assignment of the course.

Good level (3-4):
The student has carried out work very well and participated actively and constructively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the concepts of the course and apply critically the concepts in practical cases: Student has been able to develop creative solutions in the assignment of the course

Excellent level (5):
The student has carried out work to an excellent standard and participated actively and constructively in the course. Student has shown in the course ability to comprehend the concepts of the course and apply in a versatile way and critically the concepts in practical cases: Student has been able to develop creative solutions in the assignment of the course.

Assessment Methods

Based on active participation in the contact lessons, group assignments and independent assignments
