Communication and Media in Social Work

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAVY10
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   4 autumn   4.0   2018-08-01   2018-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   4 autumn   4.0   2019-08-01   2019-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students are familiar with social importance of media and communication from different perspectives of social work and activities. Students are able to analyze media contents and recognise perspectives presented by various interest groups. They can explain discursive practices of media and recognize meanings and images.They can apply means of communication and influence. Students have argumentation and information seeking skills. They are familiar with the internal and external communication principles and practices in work communities. Students are familiar with the professional etiquette in social media. Students also examine communication culture from the perspective of sustainable development.

Student's Workload

106 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

major part of basic studies of the degree programme


- media literacy
- influence in society as part of empowering social work
- communication in society
- ethical instructions and legislation of media
- social media

Recommended or Required Reading

-Fairclough, N. 2010. Critical Discourse Analysis. The Critical Study of Language. 2. ed. Harlow: Pearson education.
-Heikkilä, H., Ahva, L., Siljamäki, J., & Valtonen, S. 2012. Kelluva kiinnostavuus: Journalismin merkitys ihmisten sosiaalisissa verkostoissa. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Vastapaino.
-Johansson, M., Nuolijärvi, P. & Pyykkö, R. (toim.) 2011. Asiantuntijan kielelliset käytännöt. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
-Journalistin ohjeet 2014. Saatavana:
- Juholin, E. Kuutti, H. 2006. Mediapeli anatomia ja keinot. 3. p. Infor.
-Parton, N. 2002. Postmodern and Constructionist Approaches to Social Work. Teoksessa: R. Adams & L.Dominelli & M. Payne,
(toim.): Social Work. Themes Issues and Critical Debates. 237–244. Palgrave Macmillian. Basingstoke.
- Pönkä, H. 2014. Sosiaalisen median käsikirja. Docendo Oy.
-Rahikka, A. 2013. Dialogi auttavissa verkkopalveluissa. Sosiaali- ja terveysjärjestöjen ammattilaisten kertomuksia kommunikaatiosta. Saatavana:
-Väliverronen, E. 2011. Journalismi murroksessa. Gaudeamus.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

There are several alternative ways of study:
1. Contact teaching and exam.
2. Multimethod teaching including introduction, online studies and learning assignments.
3. Analysis of mediatext.
4. Possibility to learning at work

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5
Grade 5:
The students
- have competencies to evaluate and analyze critically the contents produced by different media sources
- have skills to act in network of citizens, media and other interest groups based on principles of empowering social work
- have capacities to recognize the influence of their individual values and attitudes to their actions
Grade 3-4:
The students
- have capacities to itemize contents of media
- can bring out topics, which are essential from the perspective of citizens’ empowerment
- are able to recognize their individual values and attitudes
- are able to recognize their responsibilities in communication-related tasks
Grade 1-2:
- are able to recognize the importance of communication and media in society
- are able to recognize the wholeness of discursive parctices
- are able to recognize their individual behavior concerning media and communication and connected attitudes

Assessment Methods

Objects of evaluation depend on implemetation of the study course and they will be introduced in the beginning of the study course.

Work Placement

the study course does not include practice

Further Information

Students can choose between this and the following courses:
- Structural Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work
