Introduction to Agriculture

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA01AMAPE02
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 10.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Suojaranta, Juhani
Teacher Team: Kallio, Jussi-Matti ; Riikonen, Leena ; Rönkä, Teija ; Tall, Anna ; Latva-Reinikka, Anu
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
MAELINK-2013   1 autumn   10.0   2013-09-01   2013-12-31  
MAELINK-2014   1 autumn   5.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  
MAELINK-2014   1 spring   5.0   2015-01-02   2015-07-31  
MAELINK-2015   1 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
MAELINK-2015   1 spring   5.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  
MAELINK-2016   1 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
MAELINK-2016   1 spring   5.0   2017-01-01   2017-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

1. Crop production: The students will become familiar with the cultivation techniques of the more common field crops and the equipment needed to cultivate crops, as well as with the school's farm.
2. Animal production: The student describes the most important sectors and the scope of Finnish animal production. The student knows the activities connected to animal production at a farm level. The student is familiar with the processes of production and basics of hygienic practices and feeding. The student learns the basic terms and concepts of animal husbandry. The student gets basic abilities for working with livestock.
Opiskelija on selvillä maapallon yhteisistä ympäristöongelmista sekä oman ammattialansa erityisongelmista ja osaa ehkäistä niiden syntyä ja korjata jo syntyneitä vahinkoja. Hän tuntee alan hallinnon ja lainsäädäntöä. Hän tuntee kestävän kehityksen periaatteet ja pyrkii noudattamaan niitä niin ammatissaan kuin vapaa-aikanaankin. Oppilas tuntee luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja tunnistaa maiseman perinnebiotoopit sekä osaa hoitaa niitä.
3. Machine: Students will be able to connect different machines and trailers to a tractor and use them correctly and safely. They will be aware of the dangers involved in using the machines and of relevant traffic regulations. Students will be competent in preparing in advance for periodical maintenance of tractors and other machines and with the help of manuals, know how to service them correctly and safely, including waste management.
5. Information skills: Students will learn to use the library and information services at Seinäjoki UAS

Student's Workload

1. Crop production: Totally 52 h, lectures 17 h, practical work 10 h, autonomous studies 25 h.
2. Animal production: Totally 80 h, scheduled studies 60 h and autonomous studies 20 h. In multiform learning scheduled studies 20 h and autonomous studies 60 h.
3. Machine: 36h / student, witch scheduled studies 20 h and practice 16h
4. Environmental Studies: 52 h, lectures 26 h and autonomous studies 26 h.
5. Information skills: lectures 6 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required


1. Crop production: Crop production on the school's farm, taking soil samples and analysing the results, cultivating techniques for field crops.
2. Animal production: The scope of Finnish animal production, production cycles of farms animals, methods of production, feeds used in Finnis agriculture, basics of hygienic practices, practical work with animals.
3. Machines:
•- Familiarizing oneself with the basic farming machinery
•- Using tractors with machines/trailers connected to them
•- Work safety
•- Knowledge and skills in maintenance of farm machinery
•- Traffic legislation and farm machinery

4. Environmental Studies: Global environmental problems and their impact on agriculture, forestry, environmental protection and nature conservation management and legislation, principles of sustainable development, the professional field specific problems, state of the environment in Finland, natural grasslands and their management, the built landscape, nature conservation.
5. Information skills: producers of professional and research knowledge in the agricultural field, national and international databases, online information seeking and tools for information seeking, interpretation and evaluation of information

Recommended or Required Reading

1. Crop production:

1. Seppänen, M. (toim.) 2008. Peltokasvien tuotanto.

2. Animal production: Statistics, natural resource institute,

Other material informed by the teacher.

3. Machine: Maatalouden koneoppi 1 : Traktorit.

Other material as indicated.

4. Environmental Studies:Jaana Gustafson ja Eeva Nuotio (toim.). 1998. Ympäristön ehdoilla? Maaseudun mahdollisuudet ja haasteet. Turun yliopiston täydennyskeskuksen julkaisuja A: 63.

Jari Lyytimäki ja Harri Hakala. 2008. Ympäristön tila ja suojelu Suomessa. Gaudeamus

Juha Tiainen, Mikko Kuussaari, Ilkka P. Laurila, Tuuli Toivonen (toim.). 2004. Elämää pellossa. Suomen maatalousympäristön monimuotoisuus. Edita.

Maailman tila 2013. Gaudeamus.

Ympäristön tila Suomessa. 2013. Suomen ympäristökeskus.

Other material as indicated.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Crop production: Lectures (35 %), participation in training (20 %), approved assignment and exam (45 %).
2. Animal production: contact teaching and supervision 12 h, study trips to animal farms 6 h, group teaching (practical work) 42 h, independent study 20 h. In multiform learning contact teaching and supervision 12 h, study trips to animal farms and group teaching 8 h, independent study 60 h.
3. Machine: lectures + practicing 60%; assignment and independent study 40%
4. Lectures (50 %), approved assignments (50 %)

Assessment Methods

1. Crop production:
- Active participation in lectures
- Active participation in training
- Approved exams
2. Animal production
-Active participation in lectures, study trips and practical training
-Approved assingments
3. Machine:
- Active participation in lectures
- Approved assingment
- Approved tractor and machine handling
- Approved exams
4. Environmental Studies:
- Active participation in lectures (90 %)
- Presentation
-Approved assingment
5. Information skills: Approved exams
