Introduction to Crop and Grassland Production

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA01BKATU07
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 10.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Riikonen, Leena
Teacher Team: Suojaranta, Juhani ; Tall, Anna ; Törmä, Juhani ; Riikonen, Leena
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
MAELINK-2013   2 autumn   10.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  
MAELINK-2014   2 autumn   10.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
MAELINK-2015   1 spring   3.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  
MAELINK-2015   2 spring   7.0   2017-01-01   2017-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

The student knows the behavior of nutrients in the soil and plant and can determine the fertilization and liming need. The student is aware of the development of the most important field crops and of the cultivation technique and knows the factors which affect the quality and amount of yield. The student can make the cultivation plan and can make the most important quality analyses of the grain.
The student knows the weed groups and the most general plant diseases and pests, will be familiar with various procedures for killing weeds and can plan the control of weeds while considering the economical, environmental and health aspects involved in killing weeds. The student knows the technique needed in the crop production.

Student's Workload

1. Fertilize and tillage;lectures 36 h, exercises 18, exam 24
3. Weed control and crop protection
Totally 80 h, lectures 35 h, autonomous studies 45 h.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Introduction to agriculture


3. Weed control and crop protection
Properties and categorisation of weeds, non-chemical methods of killing weeds, herbicides, how they work and how to use them, growth regulators, plan for killing weeds, techniques for plant protection, impacts of herbicides on the environment and health, identifying the more common diseases and plants pests

Recommended or Required Reading

1. Fertize and tillage

Heinonen yms. ( toim. ) 1992 Maa, viljely ja ympäristö

Alakukku yms.2002 Maan rakenteen hoito,Tieto tuottamaan 98.Pro Agria Keskusten Liitto

Ravinteet kasvintuotannossa,Tieto tuottamaan 127, Pro Agria Keskusten Liitto 2009

2. Field crop cultivation

Seppänen, M (toim.) 2008. Peltokasvien tuotanto. Opetushallitus.

Ansalehto ym. 1999. Laatuviljan tuotanto. Tieto tuottamaan 80. Maaseutukeskusten liitto.

Opas rukiin viljelyyn. (2010).

Rypsin ja Rapsinviljelyopas.

Mallasohran viljelyopas.

Hakkola ym. 1998. Nurmenviljely. Tieto tuottamaan 77. Maaseutukeskusten liitto.

Herneen tuotanto. 1993. Maaseutukeskusten

Franssila ym. 2001. Grunder för ekologisk växtodling. Del IV, Växtodling och förädling av foder.

Peltonen-Sainio ym. 2005. Viljojen kehityksen ja kasvun ABC. Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus.

3. Weed control and crop protection

Ajankohtaisia kasvinsuojeluohjeita 2012. Kasvinsuojeluseura

Erkamo 2001. Rikkakasviopas. Kasvinsuojeluseura

Hannukkala ym. 1999. Luomupellon kasvinsuojelu. Tieto tuottamaan 84. ProAgria

Torjunta-aineoppaat; Håkansson, S.2003. Weeds and weed management on arable land. An ecologial approach.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1. Fertize and tillage; lectures ( 50 % ),exercises ( 20 % ) exam( 30 % )
3. Weed control and crop protection
Lectures (45 %), approved assignment (25 %), approved exam (35 %).

Assessment Methods

1. Fertilize and tillage
- active participation in lectures
- approved assingment
- exam
3. Weed control and crop protection
- Active participation in lectures
- Approved assignment
- Exam
