Creative activities 1

Structure Type: Course
Code: KF08BYL0800
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Kohtamäki, Tiina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2013   2 spring   4.0   2015-01-02   2015-07-31  
SOSALA-2014   2 spring   4.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the course successfully, students will possess basic skills and knowledge of the methods and tools used in arts and crafts and drama activities. Students will know how to work in a goal oriented manner and to plan a creative activities process from start to finish. Students will be aware of and learn to use their creative resources. They will understand how creativity can support self-image, self-confidence and community spirit.

Student's Workload

Total workload 104 hours, including 44 hours of classroom activities and 60 hours of independent study.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


- Action-based and experiential exercises using handicraft techniques, materials and tools
- Small-scale application of drama individually and in groups
- The importance of personal motivation and enthusiasm in implementing creative methods

Recommended or Required Reading

- Nietosvuori, L. 2008. Luovat ja toiminnalliset menetelmät sosionomin työssä s.135- 142. Teoksessa Leena Viinamäki (toim.) 14 puheenvuoroa sosionomien (AMK) asemasta Suomen hyvinvointiasiantuntijajärjestelmässä. Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja Sarja A: Raportteja ja tutkimuksia 2/2008.
- Voimaa Taiteesta. Malleja taiteen soveltamiseen hyvinvointialalla. 2013.Tampereen yliopisto, Tutkivan teatterityön keskus: Tammerprint

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Action-based exercises, experiential learning. Lectures, individual, pair and group work.

Assessment Criteria

Passed/fail -scale, (Grade 3 equals pass):
Students have familiarized themselves with methods pertaining to arts, crafts and drama. They have command over some of these methods. As members of a group, they know how to plan and implement a process using these methods. Students use creative activities as tools in their work and as a means to support community spirit.

Assessment Methods

Based on active participation in classroom activities, exercises and assignments.

Further Information

A fee will be collected to cover material expenses.
