Social Work and Social Work Fields in Society

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSPST10
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Teacher Team: Niinimäki, Asta ; Kangasluoma, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   1 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   1 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to explain the historical development of social work and its role in society. Students are also familiar with essential theories and concepts in social work. They are able to describe the scope of responsibilities for Bachelors of Social Services and analyse their signigicance in the overall system of social field services. Students are able to define needs for social work within the scope of their future professional role. They know how to examine the association between social work and sustainable development. Students also examine their professional interests in the fields of social work.

Student's Workload

133 hours
Contact option:
-classroom 52 hours
- independent study 55 hours
- worklife contacts 26 hours

Online option:
- orientation 4 hours
- studying online 103 hours
-worklife contacts 26 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

previous studies are not required


- the historical background and current situation of social work
- the concept of social work
- various approches in social work
- social work and its effect on the individual, community and society
- effectiveness of social work and socially sustainable development
- social work expertise in welfare services
- Bachelors of Social Services and social work

Recommended or Required Reading

- Helminen, J. 2013. Päämääränä sosiaalialan ammattilaisuus: sosiaaliohjaajien näkemyksiä ammattialasta ja alan tulevaisuuskuvasta.
- Jaakkola, J., Pulma, P., Satka, M. & Urponen, K. 1994. Armeliaisuus, yhteisöapu, sosiaaliturva: suomalaisten sosiaalisen turvan historia. SOSTE Suomen sosiaali ja terveys ry.
- Juhila, K. 2015. Sosiaalityöntekijöinä ja asiakkaina. Sosiaalityön yhteiskunnalliset tehtävät ja paikat. Osuuskunta Vastapaino.
- Raunio, K. 2011. Olennainen sosiaalityössä. Gaudeamus.
- Toikko, T. 2005. Sosiaalityön ideat: Johdatus sosiaalityön historiaan. Vastapaino.
- in addition material introduced by the lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

The course can be undertaken either as contact or online studies. The contact form involves classroom teaching, workplace visits and independent studies. The online option includes an orientation, studies online and workplace visits. Both options include an assignment on social work.

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5
Grade 5:
Students are able to extensively define the concept and objectives of social work and analyse various approaches in social work, paying attention to the historical development and theoretical orientations of social work. Students can extensively justify the expertise of Bachelors of Social Services in various responsibilities in social work and in the social field. They are able to analyse the association between social field work and sustainable development. Students also examine and justify their professional interests in the social field.
Grade 3:
Students are able to define the concept and objectives of social work. They are also able to examine various approaches in social work, comparing them with theoretical orientations in the history of social work. Students can justify the expertise of Bachelors of Social Services in various responsibilities in social work and in the social field. They are able to examine the association between social field work and sustainable development. Students also examine their professional interests in the social field.
Grade 1:
Students are able to name the most important theoretical orientations in the history of social work. They know how to explain the concept and objectives of social work and describe various approaches in social work. Students can also list responsibilities of Bachelors of Social Services. They are able to name links between social field work and sustainable development. Students can explain their professional interests in the social field.

Assessment Methods

Assignment included in both the contact and online option. Other assessment criteria will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Work Placement

the study course includes practice
