Social problems of the elderly

Structure Type: Course
Code: KFG11B043
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team: Koivula, Anna-Kaarina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to identify demographic, historical, cultural, economic and public health factors, which influence elderly people's welfare and position in society. Students will analyse elderly people's social problems and the background of social exclusion. Students will learn to apply the recommendations given by age-political target and action programmes from the perspectives of welfare, prevention of social exclusion and empowerment. Students learn to critically evaluate conceptions prevailing in media of elderly people's social problems.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


Old people's position in society; their social problems at the level of the individual, community and society; the concept of age policy; development and implementation of age policy in various countries; age political target and action programmes at global, national and local level; councils of the elderly and their functions; definitions of elderly people's social problems in media.

Recommended or Required Reading

Helander, V. 2004. Seniorikansalainen voimavarana: havaintoja ja pohdintoja ikäpolitiikan suuntaamiseksi; Vanhuus ja sosiaalityö 2007. Seppänen, Karisto, & Kröger. (soveltuvin osin) PS-kustannus; Kuluerästä voimavaraksi 2008. Suomi & Hakonen (toim.) PS-kustannus; Vanhuksen äänen kuuleminen 2005. Kankare & Lintula 2005 (toim.). Tammi; Lupaava kotihoito. Uusia toimintamalleja vanhustyöhön 2010. Engeström, Niemelä, Nummijoki & Nyman (toim.). (soveltuvin osin) PS-kustannus; Ikääntyminen ja päihteet. Ammatillisia kohtaamisia arjessa 2010. Nykky, Heino, Myllymäki, Rinne (toim.) Kirjapaja; Current elderly political target and action programmes

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work, independent assignment

Assessment Criteria

Grading will be announced during the course.

Assessment Methods

Active participation in lessons, independent and/or group assignment (assessment 1-5)
