Rehabilitative care of people with memory disorders and reminiscence

Structure Type: Course
Code: KFG11BGHK04
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team: Lahti, Marita ; Hietaniemi, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
VANTYO-2013   3 autumn   3.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
VANTYO-2014   3 autumn   3.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to plan, implement and evaluate the care, nursing and rehabilitation of older people with memory disorders. They will learn to understand the experiential world, communication features and individual behaviour of people who have memory disorders. Students will learn to use psychosocial and creative therapies in the care and rehabilitation of these clients. They will know how to assess behavioural symptoms caused by different memory disorders. Students will learn to create a therapeutic care environment and contribute to the creation of a therapeutic care community. Students will know how to analyse factors that affect the rehabilitative care of people with memory disorders.

Student's Workload

78 hours, including 30 hours in the classroom and/or seminars, 48 hours of independent study

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Geriatrics, Gerontological nursing, care and rehabilitation


Experiential world of people with memory disorders and emphatic listening; special features in the clients' communication and how to support communication; behavioural disorders and their prevention and therapeutic encounter; therapeutic care and nursing environment for people with memory disorders; ethical issues and care pathway for people with memory disorders.

Recommended or Required Reading

Erkinjuntti, T. Rinne, J. ,Soininen, H. (toim.) Muistisairaudet. 2010. Duodecim.

Pohjavirta, H. (toim.) Onko tänään eilen. 2012. Tampereen kaupunkilähetys.

Voutilainen, P. & Tiikkainen, P. (toim.) 2008. Gerontologinen hoitotyö. WSOY.

Vallejo Medina, A. et al. 2011. Vanhustenhoito, Dementoituvan vanhuksen hoito-osio.

Articles from Gerontological Nursing
Other material selected by the lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, discussions, group work, video material

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5
Students know how to creatively plan, implement and evaluate the care, nursing and rehabilitation of older people with memory disorders. They understand to a great extent the experiential world, communication features and individual behaviour of their clients. They know how to use psychosocial and creative therapies in the care and rehabilitation of these clients. They know how to assess behavioural symptoms caused by different memory disorders. Students are able to create a therapeutic care environment and contribute to the creation of a therapeutic care community. Students analyse crititically and constructively factors that affect the rehabilitative care of people with memory disorders.

Grade 3
Students know how to plan, implement and evaluate the care, nursing and rehabilitation of older people with memory disorders. They understand to a reasonable extent the experiential world, communication features and individual behaviour of their clients. They know how to use psychosocial and creative therapies in the care and rehabilitation of these clients. They are able to describe behavioural symptoms caused by different memory disorders. Students are able to create a therapeutic care environment and contribute to the creation of a therapeutic care community. Students analyse crititically factors that affect the rehabilitative care of people with memory disorders.

Grade 1
Students know how to plan, implement and evaluate the care, nursing and rehabilitation of older people with memory disorders. They recognise the experiential world, communication features and individual behaviour of their clients. They know how to use psychosocial and creative therapies in the care and rehabilitation of these clients. They are able to name behavioural symptoms caused by different memory disorders. Students are able to an adequate degree to analyse factors that affect the rehabilitative care of people with memory disorders.

Assessment Methods

Active classroom participation, assignment for a practical training period. Numerical assessment 1-5.
