Public, private and community-based social welfare services

Structure Type: Course
Code: KF08ASP0420
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Kangasluoma, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2013   1 autumn   3.0   2013-09-01   2013-12-31  
SOSALA-2014   1 autumn   3.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to outline public, private and community-based social welfare services as a whole. They will be able to name service providers in social and health services and in the system of income support. Students will learn to explain the roles of social insurance, social welfare and social services. They will be able to analyse the contents, extent, operating principles and practices in these services. Students will be able to give reasons for the importance of having a variety of service producers and they can explain multiprofessional collaboration as part of a well-functioning welfare society that creates welfare and social security.

Student's Workload

78 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

The study courses "Finnish society and economy", "Public, private and community-based social welfare services" and "Legislation and social welfare" will be taken at the same time with this course.


- Social welfare services as a whole
- Social insurance
- Social welfare and social services
- Principles of social welfare
- Public social welfare services
- Private social welfare services
- The third sector as a provider of services

Recommended or Required Reading

- Asuminen, opiskelu ja työskentely EU-maissa. Suomen kansalaiset ovat myös EU:n kansalaisia. EU:n kansalaisilla on tiettyjä lainsäädännössä määrättyjä oikeuksia. 2011. [Verkkosivu]Tietosivu, Infoblad nro 3. Helsinki: Eurooppatiedotus.

- Avain EU-käsitteisiin. 2012. [Verkkosivu] Helsinki: Erkkilä, Tero, Tiilikainen, Teija ja Eurooppatiedotus.

- Lapsi- ja perhepolitiikka Suomessa. STM esitteitä 2013:9.

- Pessi, A.B. & Saari, J. Hyvien ihmisten maa. Auttaminen kilpailukyky-yhteiskunnassa. A Tutkimuksia 31. Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Myös verkkojulkaisuna.

- Sosiaalihuolto Suomessa. STM esitteitä 2006:11.

- Sosiaali− ja terveydenhuollon lakisääteiset palvelut. STM esitteitä 2005:7.

- Suomen sosiaaliturvan pääpiirteet. STM esitteitä 2007:9.

- Toikko, T. 2012. Sosiaalipalveluiden kehityssuunnat. Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy. Availability:

- Toimeentuloturva kehdosta keinutuoliin. STM esitteitä 2007:10.

- It is recommended that students look into the English-language brochures on social security by the Social Insurance Institution KELA and by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work, potential visiting lecturers and field trips.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2:
Students understand how the service provision system consists of public, private and third sector services. Students are able to list welfare and social security benefits produced by these service providers. Students know how to analyse the meaning, roles, functions, practices, extent and contents of social insurance, social welfare and social services.They detect and name development targets and find some solutions. Students can explain how multiprofessional collaboration is part of the service provision system that creates welfare and social security.
Grade 3-4:
Students are able to explain the meaning, roles, practices and functions of various service providers and social services. Students know how to compare responsibilities and functions of various sectors. They can justify the need for multiprofessional collaboration and explain why it is important for a well-functioning service provision system and high quality client services.
Grade 5:
Students are able to justify and analyse the whole social welfare system, including various sectors, functions and development targets. Students are able to find creative solutions that integrate multiple perspectives.

Assessment Methods

Development assignment, exam on literature and lectures, active participation in lectures, group work and third sector thematic day.
