Perioperative Nursing

Structure Type: Course
Code: KG29AO10005
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 2.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Palo, Raija
Teacher Team: Majasaari, Hilkka ; Hautala, Tanja
Language of Instruction: English

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
NURSING-2013FIN   3 spring   2.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  
NURSING-2013FOR   3 spring   2.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  

Learning Outcomes


Students will be competent in evaluating and developing their professional competence and learning methods in perioperative nursing. Students will learn to search and process knowledge critically and solve problems and develop perioperative working methods creatively.


Students will follow principles of promoting and supporting the health and resources of patients of all ages in multi-professional nursing. Students will know the main factors that influence the health and illness of patients in perioperative nursing. Students will be, under supervision, competent in identifying their patients' individual rehabilitation needs and able to support the patients' rehabilitation.


Students will be competent in identifying threats to their patients' physical, mental, spiritual and social safety and able to help by nursing interventions, if needed. Under supervision, students will be competent in preparing patients for treatment, and in monitoring, assessing and maintaining the vital functions of the patients before, during and after treatments. Students will follow asepsis in perioperative nursing. Students will, under supervision, be able to implement common treatments, procedures and examinations in perioperative nursing. Under supervision, they will be able to implement intravenous fluid, drug and nutritional care and blood transfusions safely. Students will be able to manage the drug calculations needed in drug care. Students will become competent in reducing patients' pain and suffering and able to evaluate the effectiveness of the pain control throughout the perioperative nursing care. Students will learn to recognise the main equipment used for anesthesia and surgery and learn to use them safely. Students will become competent in teaching and guiding patients of all ages and their family members on issues pertaining to perioperative nursing.


Students will assume responsibility for their own actions and the consequences of the actions in the perioperative environment. Students will interact with people of all ages, including the patients' family members, in different life situations with equality.
Students will be competent in identifying the needs of patients and their families and in planning, implementing, evaluating and documenting nursing care. Students will work in a client-centred and target-oriented interaction and care relationship in the perioperative environment. Students will utilise information and nursing technologies and equipment while following the principles of data security and confidentiality.


Students will be aware of the physical and mental aspects of occupational safety in a RN's work, important to maintain and promote well-being in the working community. Students will know how to interact in the working community and they will appreciate their colleagues. Students will learn to use information and communication technology in multiprofessional perioperative nursing. Under supervision, students will be able to make ad hoc decisions.


Students will be able to communicate in a foreign language and to work in a multicultural perioperative environment.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Nursing in different environments 1,2,3/4/5


Perioperative nursing process and the nurse's duties. Patient-oriented, safe nursing and creating the dialogical professional relationship. Empowering and rehabilitative nursing of the surgical patient. Pain control of the surgical patient. Patient counselling during the different phases of nursing (pre-, intra- and post-operative phases). Aseptic techniques and principles in perioperative nursing. Written, electronic and oral documentation in nursing. Safe drug care. Day-surgical nursing. Evidence-based nursing.

Recommended or Required Reading

Lukkari, L., Kinnunen, t. & Korte, R. 2007 or newer. Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. Helsinki: WSOY.

Klemetti, S. & Suominen, T. 2008. Fasting in paediatric ambulatory surgery. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 14, 47-56. Availability:

Current learning material.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Interactive and action-based learning methods, lectures, independent studies

Assessment Criteria

- are capable of responsible perioperative practice with patients and their families on excellent level
- work in a client-centred way seeking to promote health and patient safety throughout the perioperative nursing process and using evidence-based knowledge in decision-making
- are extremely active and co-operative with clients that represent different cultural backgrounds and in multi-professional teams

- are capable of responsible perioperative practice with patients and their families on good level
- to a great extent, work in a client-centred way seeking to promote health and patient safety throughout the perioperative nursing process and are aware of the importance of evidence-based knowledge in decision-making
- are active and co-operative with clients that represent different cultural backgrounds and in multi-professional teams

are capable of responsible perioperative practice with patients and their families on adequate level
- do not always work in a client-centred way or seek to promote health and patient safety throughout the perioperative nursing process but are aware of the importance of evidence-based knowledge in decision-making
- make an effort to be active and co-operative with clients that represent different cultural backgrounds and in multi-professional teams

Fail= 0
are not capable of responsible perioperative practice with patients and their families on adequate level
- do not know how to work in a client-centred way or seek to promote health and patient safety throughout the perioperative nursing process and are not aware of the importance of evidence-based knowledge in decision-making
- are not active or co-operative with clients that represent different cultural backgrounds or in multi-professional teams

Assessment Methods

Active participation, written exam and assignment, drug calculation test ( must be passed before the practical training period), lab skills exercises (regular attendance and active participation expected).
