Care of elderly people suffering from dementia

Structure Type: Course
Code: KFG11B048
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 2.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team: Lahti, Marita
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Students will explore the experiential world, communication and individual behaviour of elderly people suffering from dementia. Students will learn to prevent and deal with behavioural problems caused by dementia, and to plan and implement individual care.

They will learn to apply psychosocial and creative therapies in dementia care and rehabilitation.

They will know how to create a therapeutic care environment and how to promote the creation of a therapeutic care community.

Students will learn to analyse factors that influence the quality of dementia work, and learn to implement high quality individual care and rehabilitation. Students will be aware of the challenges of family-care giving and learn to counsel and support family care-givers.

In their work with clients and families, students will learn to use the service delivery systems for dementia work. Students will be able to work as experts of dementia work in various sectors and levels of services.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


- Experiential world of people suffering from dementia and their emphatic care
- Special features of the linguistic expression of people with dementia and supporting communication
- Wandering patients and taking a therapeutic approach
- Problems with nutrition and eating and solutions for them
- Pain and pain control
- Behaviourial problems of patients with dementia, prevention, and therapeutic coping
- Therapeutic care environment and care community
- Empowering reminiscence and creative therapies (e.g. TTAP) in the care of people with dementia
- Ethical issues in dementia work
- Dementia care pathway
- Quality and development of dementia work
- Quality management systems in dementia work
- Carer's role and professionalism in dementia work
- Special features in case management in dementia work
- Memory nurses and dementia work coordinators and their responsibilities

Recommended or Required Reading

Kankkunen, P. 2008. Dementoitiaoireisen ihmisen kivun hoidon hyvät käytännöt. Teoksessa Voutilainen, P. & Tiikkainen, P. (toim.) 2008. Gerontologinen hoitotyö. Novartis Finland Oy. Kuntotutusratkaisuja dementoituvan arkeen, Vallejo Medina, A. et al. 2011. Vanhustenhoito, Dementoituvan vanhuksen hoito-osio. Articles from Gerontological Nursing ja Memo-lehti. Documentaries.
Other material provided by the lecturer.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, discussions, group work, video material

Assessment Criteria

Grading will be announced during the course.

Assessment Methods

Active participation in classroom activities and an examination (assessment 1-5)
