Foundation of gerontological care and social work

Structure Type: Course
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team: Jokiranta, Kari ; Koivula, Anna-Kaarina ; Hietaniemi, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
VANTYO-2013   1 autumn   4.0   2013-09-01   2013-12-31  
VANTYO-2014   1 autumn   4.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn conceptual thinking, including reflection on relationships between concepts. They learn to analyse essential concepts in the health and social field, examine their contents from various frameworks and become aware of the contents to which professionals in health and social services are commited to. Students learn principles of seminar work.

Student's Workload

Instruction and lectures 22 hours, seminars 40 hours, independent study 42 hours, total 104 hours.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Edeltäviä opintoja ei tarvita.


Introductory lecture on concept analysis. Central concepts for seminar work, e.g. conception of human nature, wellbeing, way of life, lifestyle, life control/coping, health and illness, health promotion, self-care, social problems and exlusion, social support, environment, society and community, nursing, social work and work in the social field, trust and social capital. Lectures on the foundation of professional care and social work.

Recommended or Required Reading

Ahlqvist, K., Ahola, A. (toim.) 1996. Elämän riskit ja valinnat, Hyvinvointia lama-Suomessa Availability:

Eriksson, K. et al. 2007. Hoitotiede. (sov. osin) Availability:

Luoma, M-L. Elämänlaatu. Teoksessa Voutilainen, P.& Tiikkainen, P ( toim.)2008. Gerontologinen hoitotyö. Availability:

Perttilä, K. 1999. Terveyden edistäminen kunnan tehtävänä (sov. osin) Availability:

Pohjolainen, P. ja Syren, I.(toim.) 2006. Ikääntyvien elämäntyylit Availability:

Vertio Harri. 2003. Terveyden edistäminen. Tammi.(sov. osin). Availability:

Pietilä A-M. 2010. Terveyden edistäminne- teorista toimintaan. WSOY. Helsinki. (sov. osin) Availability:

Seppänen, M. 2006. Gerontologinen sosiaalityö

Kannaoja, Lähteenmäki & Marjamäki (toim) 2011. Sosiaalityön käsikirja. Availability:

Material selected by students for the concept analysis and literature selected by the lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, concept analysis, seminars and exam

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5
Students have extensive, in-depth knowledge of the contents defined in the learning outcomes. They are able to critically discuss concepts related to health care and social work. Students are aware of the contents of central concepts to which professionals in health and social services are committed to. Students use wide-ranging source material in the exam and in assignments. They follow the instructions given on written assignments.

Grade 3
Students have good knowledge of the contents defined in the learning outcomes. They are able to competently discuss concepts related to health care and social work. Students are aware of the contents of central concepts to which professionals in health and social services are committed to. Students know how to use source material in the exam and in assignments. They follow the instructions given on written assignments.

Grade 1
Students have basic knowledge of the contents defined in the learning outcomes and they use it in assignments. They are adequately familiar with concepts related to health care and social work. Students use some source material in the exam and in assignments. They follow the instructions given on written assignments to some extent.
