Orientation to the Profession in Elderly Care

Structure Type: Course
Code: GERPOS300
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 2.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Koivula, Anna-Kaarina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
VANTYO-2015   1 spring   2.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  
VANTYO-2016   1 spring   2.0   2017-01-01   2017-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to describe and evaluate the competence requirements in their future profession. They become aware of the knowledge and skills required in elderly care and apply them in their professional development.

Student's Workload

53 hours
- 20 hours of lectures and discussions
- 14 hours of seminars
- 19 hours of independent study

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


- the growth into an expert of elderly care
- the expertise and competence requirements for Bachelors of Social Services
- reflection on current and future challenges in elderly care, analysis of the student's own elderly care expertise compared to the competence requirements

Recommended or Required Reading

Kotona omatoimisesti asuva ikääntyvä gerontologisen sosiaalityön määrittäjänä. Lisensiaatintutkimus. Tampereen Yliopisto. http://www.sosnet.fi/loader.aspx?id=1b8e11ed-4590-4ce3-ad0d-170ccf1fe05f
- Kelo, Launiemi, Takaluoma & Tiittanen. 2015. Ikääntynyt ihminen ja hoitotyö
- Jämsen & Kukkonen. 2014. Ikäosaaminen elää Pohjois-Karjalassa. Gerontologia 2/2014, 117 – 122
- Competence requirements for Bachelors of Social Services 2016
- Current research and articles

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

lectures, discussions, analysis on the profession and competence, seminars

Assessment Criteria

Pass/fail. Fail: The student does not reach the learning outcomes.

Assessment Methods

attendance, analysis on the profession, participation in seminars

Work Placement

The course does not include practical training.
