Introduction to motivation pedagogics

Structure Type: Course
Code: KH13AMOPT02
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Leikkari, Esa
Teacher Team: Kareinen, Jussi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
KUTU-2013   1 spring   4.0   2014-01-02   2014-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to perceive the foundations of their own role as an instructor, to recognise and analyse various methods of tutoring a group

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course 108 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


Students will gain tools to find their own ways of tutoring with the help of various methods. The role of a tutor will be introduced by different demos

Recommended or Required Reading

material distributed by the teacher, other material will be announced at the beginning of the course

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Learning by doing, lectures, assignments

Assessment Criteria

5 Excellent command of knowledge and skills in accordance with the learning outcomes
3 Good command of knowledge and skills in accordance with the learning outcomes
1 Satisfactory command of knowledge and skills in accordance with the learning outcomes
