Reproductive Health in Public Health Nursing

Structure Type: Course
Code: KG09AIHE915
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.5 points
Responsible Teacher: Palo, Raija
Teacher Team: Ketonen, Kaarina ; Vierre, Else ; Mäki-Kojola, Tiina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
HOITOTYO-2013TH   4 autumn   3.5   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
TH-2014   4 autumn   3.5   2018-08-01   2018-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students know the system of maternity health services and work in collaboration with other professionals in maternity health services. Students are able to support comprehensively the health, wellbeing and resources of the pregnant family in their individual life situation. Students are able to support the mother and the father in their growth and development into parenthood and in their couple relationship. Students know how to give family training and lactation consultation. Students learn to monitor the health of the pregnant mother and the foetus and understand the meaning of the screening methods. Students are able to recognize risks pertaining to pregnancy and labour and they can initiate action to prevent the risks. Students will learn to identify, monitor, care for and refer to further treatment mothers and families, who need special follow-up and support. Students know the principles of delivery and they are able to manage an emergency delivery. Students are able to monitor, counsel and care for mothers and new-born babies, and know how to refer them to further care, if required. Students will learn to support clients in issues concerning sexuality anf family planning. Students are also able to counsel families from different cultural backgrounds.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


Care guidelines, service pathways and service delivery systems for pregnant and childbearing families. Family training and growth into parenthood. Recognizing risks pertaining to pregnancy and the foetus. Recognizing risks pertaining to the delivery and puerperium. Lactation consultation and early interaction. Home visits as tools for supporting and caring for pregnant and childbearing mothers and families. Health promotion counselling for mothers and families before and after childbirth. Family planning. Third sector as a support to mothers and families.

Recommended or Required Reading

Äitiysneuvolaopas 2013. Suosituksia äitiysneuvolatoimintaan. THL 2013.

Laaja terveystarkastus : ohjeistus laajoihin terveystarkastuksiin äitiys- ja lasteneuvolassa sekä kouluterveydenhuollossa.
Hakulinen- Viitanen Tuovi, Hietanen-Peltola Marke, Wallin Mervi, Pelkonen Marjaana. THL 2012.

Kansallinen Imetysohjelma 2009-2012

Seulontatutkimukset ja yhteistyö äitiyshuollossa. Suositukset 1999. Oppaita 34. Stakes.

Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta : Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden toimintaohjelma 2014-2020

Nainen hoitotyön asiakkaana.

Hoitotyön suositus imetysohjauksesta HOTUS 2010.

Other material provided by the lecturers.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, exercises

Assessment Criteria

The same criteria as for Advanced Public Health Nursing

Assessment Methods

Preliminary test, examination, passed exercises
