Management and decision making (In Finnish)

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA01CMML04
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Ryhänen, Matti
Teacher Team: Ryhänen, Matti ; Holma, Heikki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
MAELINK-2013   3 spring   5.0   2016-01-01   2016-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will develop a profound understanding of how to manage a farm, ranch or rural enterprise.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Introduction to farm management; Introduction to small rural enterprise management


• Functions of management
• Strategic management
• Strategic planning
• Strategy implementation
• Strategic control
• Operative management
• Decision making

Recommended or Required Reading

Abrams & Barrow 2008. The Successful Business Plan. Capstone Publishing Ltd. Chishester. UK. (appl. parts).

Kay, Edwards & Duffy 2008. Farm Management. McGraw-Hill. (appl. parts).

Olson 2004. Farm Management: Principles and Strategies. Blackwell Publishing Company. Iowa State Press. (appl. parts).

Ryhänen & Laitila 2012. Yhteistyö ja resurssit maitotiloilla. Verkostomaisen yrittämisen lähtökohtia ja edellytyksiä. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 59. s. 91–151. (appl. parts).

Ryhänen & Nissinen (ed.) 2011. Kilpailukykyä maidontuotantoon. Toimintaympäristön tarkastelu ja ennakointi. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja A. Tutkimuksia 8. s. 35–42 ja 58–74.

Ryhänen & Sipiläinen 2013. Maatalousyrityksen johtaminen ja tuotannon suunnittelu. Handout.

Lecture notes and other material as indicated during lectures.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

• Contact teaching (50 %)
• Independent study (50%)

Assessment Methods

Students write a report, which is approved / revised. Emphasis in evaluation is placed on how the student is able to modify her/his knowledge and skills such that she/he is able to write a strategy plan for farm or small rural enterprise. Students are assessed on self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and reflection together with the teachers.

Further Information

5 credits in RDI
