Upon successful completion of the course, students will have command over the most essential points of legislation in Finland's social welfare field and the duties of social welfare professionals as regards to legislation. Students will be able to explain the course of legislation processes. They will be able to search legislative information and to apply the more common laws in their work as social service professionals.
Student's Workload
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies are required.
- Finding and using legislative information
- Legislative principles in social welfare
- Duty of secrecy
- Social Welfare Act
- Legislation pertaining to cusotmers in social welfare
- Legislation pertaining to welfare subsidies
- Legislation pertaining to services for the disabled
- Mental Health Act
- Legislation pertaining to rehabilitation for substance abusers
- Legislation pertaining to paternity, child support, custody, visiting rights and child protection legislation
- EU's social policy legislation
Recommended or Required Reading
Narikka, Jouko (toim.) 2006. Sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen lainsäädäntö käytännössä(soveltuvin osin). Tietosanoma Oy;
Taskinen S., 2010. Lastensuojelulain soveltaminen. (soveltuvin osin). WSOYpro;
Tuori, K. 2008. Sosiaalioikeus (soveltuvin osin). WSOY lakitieto;
Lisäksi tunneilla jaettava materiaali ja nettilinkit lainsäädännöllisen tiedon hakemiseen.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Lectures, independent study, group work, guest speaker. Excercises in the online environment.
Assessment Criteria
Grading will be announced during the course.
Assessment Methods
Active participation, exam. Assignments online. Grading based on a scale 1-5.
Further Information
Study courses: "Finnish society and economy", "Public, private and community-based social welfare services" and "Legislation and social welfare" will be accomplished at the same time.