Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services

Structure Type: Course
Code: SHO3D3
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Palo, Raija
Teacher Team: Kuhalampi, Katriina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SH-2015   3 autumn   3.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
SH-2016   3 autumn   3.0   2018-08-01   2018-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students act with an attitude of self-management. They are aware of their responsibility for the quality of nursing in their own action and in the organization. Students are able to prevent and detect shortcomings in the quality of the nursing process. They are able to evaluate quality throughout the nursing process and understand their responsibility in securing and promoting patient safety.

Student's Workload

will be announced in the course implementation plan

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies required


Finnish legislation and national quality guidelines and requirements.
Care guidelines, patient classification systems, quality management systems, quality assurance, sectors of patient safety: safe care, safe equipment, safe medication, HaiPro Safety Incident Reporting System

Recommended or Required Reading

Laaksonen, H., Niskanen, J. & Ollila, S. 2012. Lähijohtamisen perusteet terveydenhuollossa. Edita.

Tiedelehtien artikkelit: Premissi, Hallinnon tutkimus, Tutkiva hoitotyö ja muut alan kansalliset ja kansainväliset julkaisut.

Potilasturvallisuusopas. 2011. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Terveydenhuollon laatuopas. 2011. Kuntaliitto.

Marquis & Huston. 2012. Leadership Roles and management Functions in Nursing. Lippincott. Williams & Willkins.

Bishop, V. 2009. Leadership for nursing and allied health care professions / editor: Veronica Bishop. Mainhead: McGrawHill Open University Press.

Current study materials

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Introductory lectures, lectures by experts, online learning, cooperative learning, assignment, seminar work, independent study

Assessment Criteria

Assessment criterias written in the study entity of Quality and Safety in Social and Health Services during the middle phase of the studies.

Assessment Methods

Seminar assignment

Work Placement

Theoretical course
