Family Counselling

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAPS30
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   2 autumn   4.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   2 autumn   4.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to use the psychosocial approach and professional interaction when working with and counselling families with children. Students learn to recognise needs to apply family counselling methods and evaluate their suitability in various client situations, whether for preventive or corrective purposes. Students are able to describe work environments in which it is possible to carry out family counselling. They learn to analyse the work orientations, practices and international models used in family counselling. Students have assimiliated the process of goal-oriented family counselling. They are able to apply the methods in practical work situations and to develop and evaluate their action.

Student's Workload

106 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

most part of the module Knowledge Base in Social Work


- family counselling and related concepts
- family counselling settings, early childhood education, family centres, child welfare services
- professional interaction in family counselling
- the process of family counselling
- appoaches to work in family counselling
- methods of family counselling
- international models of family counselling
- evaluation and development of one's action

Recommended or Required Reading

- Early intervention and prevention in family and parenting support. Compendium of Inspiring Practices. Eurochild October 2012.

- Halme, Kekkonen & Perälä 2012. Perhekeskukset Suomessa. Palvelut, yhteistoiminta ja johtaminen. Raportti 62/2012. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

- Kohtaamisia lapsiperheissä. Menetelmiä perhetyöhön. 2010. Vilen, M., Seppänen, P., Tapio, N..&Toivanen, R. (toim.)
- Rönkkö, L & Rytkönen, T. Monisäikeinen perhetyö. 2010. WSOY.

- Perheen parhaaksi: Perhetyön arkea. 2012. Järvinen,R; Lankinen, A;Taajamo,T:,Veistilä, M;Virolainen A. (toim.) 2.uud.p. Helsinki: Edita. Luku 6: Perhetyön sisällöt, sivut 112-156.

- Rönkkö, L. 2008. Ratkaisu− ja voimavarakeskeinen näkökulma vuorovaikutuksessa. Teoksessa. Vilen, M., Leppämäki, P. & Ekström, L. (toim.) Vuorovaikutuksellinen tukeminen. WSOY, sivut 171−203.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

contact teaching, which consists of lectures, demonstrations, visits in the field and independent study (literature)

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5.
Grade 5:
The students
- are able to evaluate broadly and critically the position, the goal and the meaning of family counselling, both on individual and on societal level, in preventive and in repairing work with families
- are able to justify broadly and in development oriented way their individual skills in psychosocial and strengths giving interactive work orientation
- are able to evaluate and to develop a goal-oriented family counselling process
- are capable to analyze and to develop orientations, methods and international models, which are used in family counselling and to evaluate their individual actions in family counselling
Grade 3-4:
The students
- are able to describe and to analyze social work fields, where family counselling can be implemented
- can evaluate needs for family counselling methods in preventive and in repairing work with families
- are able to choose, to use and to justify orientations, methods and international models of family counselling and have capacities to apply them to cases, which are similar with situations in the field.
- are able to plan a goal-oriented family counselling process
- are capable to reflect their individual actions from the perspective of professional ethics
Grade 1-2:
The students
- are able to describe social work fields, where family counselling can be implemented
- can recognize the basic principles and meanings of psychosocial work and professional interaction
- can explain needs and principles for family counselling methods in preventive and in repairing work with families
- are able to explain orientations, methods and international models of family counselling and have capacities to apply them to most typical cases.
- are able to recognize different stages of goal-oriented family counselling process and are able to apply these skills in their individual actions

Assessment Methods

Evaluation consists of:
- working in lectures 20%
- individual exam 40%
- applied exam in with peer student 40%

Work Placement

the course does not include practice

Further Information

Students choose between this course and the following courses:
- Coaching for Studies and Work
- Social Rehabilitation
- Social Counselling in Residential Care Units
- Social Counselling in Community Care
- Social Work in Multiprofessional Settings
