Advanced nutrition studies

Structure Type: Course
Code: KI15BRPJ005
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Nuotio, Liisa
Teacher Team: Putula-Hautala, Eija ; Eromäki, Hillevi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
PALVELUJ-2013   2 autumn   4.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will understand the structures of energy nutrients and the essential reactions in the body associated with metabolism. They will be familiar with the anatomy and physiology related to food consumption. They will be able to plan special diet meals and menus and they are familiar with the special food stuffs available in the market. The students will be able to follow the development of the field and to apply the latest information to their work.

Student's Workload

108 h
- lectures 20 h,
- self-access learning 88 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Food service production
Health aspects in food production


- digestive system, phases of digestion, absorption of nutrients
- energy nutrients and their metabolic reactions in the body.
- digestive/ metabolic routes of the energy producing nutrients
- the most common special diets and special diet products

Recommended or Required Reading

- Aro A, Mutanen M, Uusitupa M (toim.). Ravitsemustiede. Duodecim 2005. (Assigned parts)

- Nienstedt, W., Hänninen, O. & Arstila, A. Ihmisen fysiologia ja anatomia. (Assigned parts)

- Ravitsemushoito. Suositus sairaaloihin, terveyskeskuksiin, palvelu- ja hoitokoteihin sekä kuntoutuskeskuksiin. VRN. 2010.Edita: Helsinki.

- Latest nutrition recommendations, nutrition reports, current articles and studies.
- Other material as indicated during the course.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work and assignments, exam.

Assessment Criteria

Students are able to interpret the structures of the energy nutrients and their metabolism in the system.
They can explain and compare the anatomy and physiology of the utilization of the food.
Students can motivate and plan the most common special diets and they know well different special products on the market. They are able to follow the development of the field and apply the latest knowledge.
Students undestand the structures of the energy nutrients and their metabolism in the system.
They know the anatomy and physiology of the utilization of the food.
They can plan the most common special diets and they know different special products on the market. They are able to follow the development of the field and apply the latest knowledge.
Students recognize the structures of the energy nutrients and their metabolism in the system.
They can name the anatomy and physiology of the utilization of the food.
They know the most common special diets and can name some special products on the market. They are able follow the development of the field.

Assessment Methods

- Active participation, written assignments, exercises and exams
