Food Service Management

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA15B30
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 10.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Ylinen, Eliisa
Teacher Team: Eromäki, Hillevi ; Nuotio, Liisa
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
PALVELUJ-2015   2 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
PALVELUJ-2015   2 spring   5.0   2017-01-01   2017-07-31  
PALVELUJ-2016   2 autumn   5.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
PALVELUJ-2016   2 spring   5.0   2018-01-01   2018-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will be competent in planning, organize, managing food and customer services in a service and learning environment. They will have command of various production and service processes. They will understand the concept of operational management and test their skills in service, management, problem solving, organisation and stress management is a service and learning environment. Students will be familiar with how to plan employees' work shifts and can apply the union agreement in practise. They will be competent in acknowledging issues concerning safety, health, economics and experience when managing services.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

- Peak Experiences in Food Services
- Production of food services
- Basic training
- Personell administration, first part 1 credit
- Marketing, first part 1 credit


• Managing of food services
• Planning work shifts
• Organisational behaviour

Recommended or Required Reading

Laurent, B. 2006. Päivittäisjohtaminen matkailu- ja ravintola-alalla. Helsinki: WSOY.
Lehtinen, M., Peltonen, H. & Talvinen, P. 2007. Mestarikokin käsikirja. Helsinki: WSOY.
Lehtovaara, T & Hämäläinen, J. 2007. Ravintolakokista mestariksi. Helsinki: WSOY.
Määttälä, S., Nuuttila, J. & Saranpää, T. 2008. Juhlapalvelu, suunnittele ja toteuta. Helsinki: WSOY.
Palvelujen ammattiliitto PAM ry. 2007. Majoitus ja ravitsemisalan työntekijöiden työehtosopimus. Kirjapaino Keili.
Taskinen, T. 2007. Ammattikeittiön ruokatuotantoprosessit. Mikkeli: Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimuksia ja raportteja.
Lämsä, A-K. & Hautala, T. 2005. Organisaatiokäyttäytymisen perusteet. Edita

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

• Planning, organize, managing food and customer in a service and learning environment.
• Online study

Assessment Criteria

Students are able to plan and apply safety, health, economy and experiences of food services in operative service management.
Students organize their work clearly and solve problems under pressure.
Students can widely estimate, give feedback and analyze both their own and other students´ working in different learning and service environments
Students manage work shift planning and they can plan long term purchases economically.
Students are able to plan and apply safety, health, economy and experiences of food services in operative service management.
Students organize their work and solve problems under pressure.
Students can estimate, give feedback and analyze both their own and other students´ working in different learning and service environments
Students manage work shift planning and purchasing successfully.
Students are able to plan and apply safety, health, economy and experiences of food services in operative service concepts when assisted.
Students can organize their work under pressure.
Students can recognize both their own and other students´ working in different learning and service environments
Students know how to plan work shifts and economical purchases.

Assessment Methods

• Planning, organize and leadership
• Active participation
• Self-evaluation
• Group evaluation
• Customer feedback
• Assignments
• Reports
