Structural Social Work

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAVY20
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   4 autumn   4.0   2018-08-01   2018-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   4 autumn   4.0   2019-08-01   2019-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to define the concept of structural social work and describe the connections with empowering social work. They will be able to describe this approach to their professional work as Bachelors of Social Services. Students are capable to review the social situation of individuals and communities from the perspective of structures, processes and sustainable development. Students know how to seek and produce information required in decision-making on the situation of the client group. Students are able to contribute to creating low threshold service points, to starting development projects and seeking resources.

Student's Workload

106 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

most part of the basic studies of the degree programme


- the concept of structural social work
- the concept of empowerment in social work
- assessing the effects of structural factors and social effecs, sustainable development
- practices and methods of structural social work
- seeking and producing information

Recommended or Required Reading

study material is determined according to alternative implementations (see the text in column Study methods.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

The study course has three alternative implementations:

Implemenation 1: Exam, based on following material:
- Pohjola & Laitinen & Seppänen (toim.) 2014. Rakenteellinen sosiaalityö.
- Laitinen & Niskala (toim.) 2013. Asiakkaat toimijoina sosiaalityössä, pp. 87-298, 459-478. .
- Hokkanen 2014. Autetuksi tuleminen: sosiaalisen asianajon edellyttämät toimijuudet. pp. 42-84.
sekä jompikumpi seuraavista;
- Koistinen, k. & Tuorila, H. 2008. Millainen olisi hyvä elinympäristö? Asukkaiden näkemyksiä elinympäristöstä, asumisesta ja palveluista eri elämänvaiheissa. Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus Julkaisuja 8.
- Hynynen, R. (toim.) 2015. Palvelualueen ja ikäystävällisen asuinalueen kehittäminen. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 5.

Implementation 2: contact teaching, including lectures, excercises and essay. The following material will be used:
- Pohjola & Laitinen & Seppänen (toim.) 2014. Rakenteellinen sosiaalityö.
- sekä jompikumpi seuraavista;
- Koistinen, k. & Tuorila, H. 2008. Millainen olisi hyvä elinympäristö? Asukkaiden näkemyksiä elinympäristöstä, asumisesta ja palveluista eri elämänvaiheissa. Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus Julkaisuja 8.
- Hynynen, R. (toim.) 2015. Palvelualueen ja ikäystävällisen asuinalueen kehittäminen. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 5.

- SOS II hanke 2015 Ideakirja sosiaalityön kehittämiseen
- additional material introduced by the teacher

Implemenattion 3: Project. Student participates to research, development and innovation activities in the field. Additional teaching methods are determined according to project contents and objectives.
Following study matreial will be used:
- Pohjola & Laitinen & Seppänen (toim.) 2014. Rakenteellinen sosiaalityö (partly).
- Teacher's material

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5.
Grade 1-2:
The students
- have capacities to define the most common features of the term structural social work and connect it to the term of empowering social work, but the competence is narrow
- have ability to some extent describe the structural perspective to professional work of Bachelor of Social Services
- have ability to name in general some factors, that influence situations of individual citizens and communities from the perspective of societal structures, processes and sustainable development
- are able to name some ways to gain and produce information about clients’ and client groups situation
- are able to give examples of different practices and methods of structural social work
Grade 3-4:
The students
- have capacities to explain the term structural social work from premises of empowering social work
- have ability to structure the factors, that influence situations of individual citizens and communities from the perspective of societal structures, processes and sustainable development, understanding their dynamic nature
- are able to present in varied ways different methods to gain and produce information about clients’ and client groups situation
- are able to give examples of different practices and methods of structural social work and apply them to their professional work as Bachelors of Social Services
Grade 5:
In addition to previously mentioned, the students
- have competences to evaluate the importance of structural social work critically and broadly based on the premises of empowering social work
- have competences to relate and compare methods and concepts of structural social work to other social work practices
- are able to make conclusions of the importance of structural social work on all criteria included in grade 3-4 and apply them deeply in on the professional field of social work

Assessment Methods

Methods of evaluation will be determined according to implementation.
Implementation 1: exam
Implementation 2: working in lessons, essay
Implementation 3: self-evaluation and report

Work Placement

the course does not include practice

Further Information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Communication and Media in Social Work
- Community-Oriented Social Work
- Empowering Social Work
