Social Security in Welfare Society

Structure Type: Course
Code: SOSAPJ20
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Kangasluoma, Elina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2015   1 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
SOSALA-2016   1 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students learn to name important actors in the welfare society, which produce welfare and social support in health and social services, social security and in the related and cooperation fields. Students are able to define the actors' contribution and responsibility for organising and providing support and help. Students learn to explain what kind of help and support clients can have in various life situations. Students are able to analyse practices and cultures of the most important actors in the welfare system. They recognise models of cooperation between the actors. Students analyse the roles and effects of the actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Student's Workload

133 hours
The multimodal option: learning
- in the classroom 42 hours
- online 65 hours
- worklife contacts 26 hours
The online option:
- orientation 4 hours
- online study 113 hours
- worklife contacts 16 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

The course is undertaken simultanously or after the course Introduction to Welfare Society.


- organizations and services in social and health care
- social benefits
- social assistance
- employment services
- registry office and legal aid office services
- models for cooperation between companies, public sector and civil society
- roles and responsibilities of companies, public sector and organizations as part of the welfare system

Recommended or Required Reading

- Havakka, P., Niemelä, M. & Uusitalo, H. (toim.) 2012. Sosiaalivakuutus. Finva Finanssi- ja vakuutuskustannus.
- Haverinen, R., Kuronen, M. & Pösö, T. (toim.) 2014. Sosiaalihuollon tila ja tulevaisuus. Osuuskunta Vastapaino.
- Pentikäinen,T. & Rantala, J. 2013. Vakuutusoppi. Finanssi ja vakuutuskustannus Oy.
- social security brochures (Social Insurance Institution, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
- in addition other current material introduced by the lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Students choose between multimodal or online studies. The multimodal option consists of learning in classroom, workplace visits and online studies. The online option includes an orientation, online learning and workplace visits.

Assessment Criteria

Scale 1-5.
Grade 5:
Students are able to extensively present and justify forms of social welfare and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students extensively analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, practices, cultures, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can compare and justify cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to extensively evaluate the role and effects of the important actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.
Grade 3:
Students are able to present services that produce social welfare and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to analyse the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, practices, cultures, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can explain cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to evaluate the role and effects of the important actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.
Grade 1:
Students are able to define services that produce social welfare and support from the perspective of each important actor. Students know how to explain the meaning, roles, tasks, forms of help, practices, cultures, extent and contents of the social insurance, social and health services and related fields. Students can name cooperation forms between actors as an important part of a well-functioning welfare system and provision of social wellbeing and support. Students are able to define the role and effects of the important actors and benefits from the perspective of sustainable development.

Assessment Methods

In both options, students write an assignment. Other criteria will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Work Placement

the course does not include practice

Further Information

Students choose between this course and the course Social Security from Client Perspective
