Master's Degree in Social Work, 90 ECTS credits

> Course structure and key learning outcomes


There are no lines of specialization in this degree programme.

Qualification awarded

The degree completed in the programme in social work leads to the qualification of Master of Social Services (UAS) or Master of Social Services and Health Care (UAS). Graduates are eligible for positions which require a Master's degree from university.

Level of qualification

The degree programme leads to a higher education degree which is a second cycle Master-level degree in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the eight-level classification of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) the degree represents level 7.

Specific admission requirements

Please see the websites and

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (RPL)

The recognition of prior learning is based on the general RPL guidelines established at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Qualification requirements and regulations

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Pedagogical approach

Multimodal learning methods are used in the degree programme. The pedagogical approach is defined for each study module separately.

Profile of the programme

The programme emphasizes the interaction between theory and practice and on the actor-centred perspective to the development of social service practices. The competence produced by the education can be utilized in all social sectors.

The studies have a strong working life orientation, and they are carried out using varied study methods. It is possible to study while at work, as the studies include two days of contact teaching per month on average. The degree programme takes two years to complete.

The education provides a professionally oriented possibility to renew and develop social field expertise at different stages of the working career.

- In the public sector, the graduates can be employed in challenging client work or in the planning and management of the services
- In the non-profit organizations, the graduates can be employed, in particular, in development, education and management
- In the private sector, the graduates can be employed in first line or higher management positions and in the development of intersectoral practices and service provision models

Occupational profiles

The graduates of the degree programme are prepared to work as experts in the social field. Their competence focuses on the development of practices in general and on the development of the so called action-centred model in particular. The competence produced by the education can be utilized in all social field sectors.


International publications and visiting scholars are part of the studies. Additionally the group has usually done one study-related trip abroad together.

Access to further studies

Eligible for doctoral studies.

Structure of the studies

Studies consist of four components:
Expertise in social services, where the aim is to deepen the critical and analytical skills in social services.
Research and development component focuses on methods and parctices in research and development work.
Management component is to enhance the knowledge in principles and practices of management and leadreship.
Finally there is a small amount of studies to be chosen freely.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Graduation requirements

Please see the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and instructions for graduates at Intra.

Contact persons

Head of degree programme

Minna Zechner
e-mail: minna.zechner(at)
Phone: +358 (0)40-8680203