Curricula 2014 - 2015

Curricula 2014 - 2015

Bachelor-level Degree Programmes

Degree Programme Head of Degree Programme
Degree Programme in Agriculture and Rural Enterprises (in Finnish) Juha Tiainen, puh. 020 124 5725
Degree Programme in Automation Engineering (in Finnish) Petteri Mäkelä, tel. 020 124 4924
Degree Programme in Business Management (in Finnish) Päivö Laine, tel. 020 124 5409
Degree Programme in Construction Engineering (in Finnish) Marita Viljanmaa, tel. 040 830 2192
Degree Programme in Construction Site Management (in Finnish) Ilkka Loukola, tel. 040 830 2364
Degree Programme in Cultural Management (in Finnish) Esa Leikkari, tel. 020 124 5982
Degree Programme in Elderly Care (in Finnish) Elina Hietaniemi, tel. 020 124 5066
Degree Programme in Food Processing and Biotechnology (in Finnish) Jarmo Alarinta, tel. 020 124 5335
Degree Programme in Food and Hospitality (in Finnish) Liisa Nuotio, tel. 020 124 5617
Degree Programme in Information Technology (in Finnish) Petteri Mäkelä, tel. 020 124 4924
Degree Programme in International Business (in English) Päivö Laine, tel. 020 124 5409
Degree Programme in Library and Information Services (in Finnish) Sari Mäkinen-Laitila, tel. 040 868 0077
Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering (in Finnish) Jukka Pajula, tel. 020 124 5351
Degree Programme in Nursing (in Finnish) Raija Palo, tel. 020 124 5181
Degree Programme in Physiotherapy (in Finnish) Riitta Kiili, tel. 020 124 5179
Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing (in Finnish) Raija Palo, tel. 020 124 5181
Degree Programme in SME Business Management (in Finnish) Päivö Laine, tel. 020 124 5409
Degree Programme in Social Services (in Finnish) Päivi Rinne, tel. 020 124 5122

Master-level Degree Programmes

Degree Programme Head of Degree Programme
Master's Degree Programme in Development of Agriculture and Rural Enterprises (in Finnish) Jussi Esala, tel. 020 124 5745
Master´s Degree Programme in International Business Management (in English) Anne-Maria Aho, tel. 020 124 5434
Master's Degree Programme in Social Work (in Finnish) Timo Toikko, tel. 040 830 4189
Master's Degree Programme in Technology Competence Management (in Finnish) Pauli Huhtamäki, tel. 020 124 5310

Degree Programmes with no intake during the academic year 2014 - 2015

Degree Programme Head of Degree Programme
Degree Programme in Conservation (In Finnish) Outi Orhanen, tel. 040 830 4158
Degree Programme in Design (In Finnish) Esa Leikkari, tel. 020 124 5982
Degree Programme in Forestry (In Finnish) Hannu Lassila, tel. 020 124 5808
Degree Programme in Nursing Raija Palo, tel. 020 124 5181
Master's Degree Programme in Construction (in Finnish) Pauli Huhtamäki, tel. 020 124 5310
Master's Degree Programme in Development and Management of Social Work and Health Care (in Finnish) Eija Kyrönlahti, tel. 020 124 5186
Master's Degree Programme in Business Competence (in Finnish) Anne-Maria Aho, tel. 020 124 5434