Work, living and basic security

Structure Type: Course
Code: KF08CHO0620
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 8.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Siltakorpi, Mirva
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
SOSALA-2013   2 autumn   8.0   2014-09-01   2014-12-31  
SOSALA-2014   2 autumn   8.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the course, students will be able to name factors that create basic security, or alternatively cause problems in the lives of adult clients and their close community. Students will become aware of social work carried out among the adult population. Under supervision, students will reflect on their own values, attitudes and actions. They will know where to seek information pertaining to work, livelihood and basic social security. They will learn to define factors that contribute to adult clients' functional capacity and social engagement from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. Students will learn to activetly contribute to workshops.

Student's Workload

Total work load 208 h
- of which independent assignment 39 h
- work shop 169 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Major part of the first year studies in the degree programme in social work. Practical training: Social services providing social security


- Students will analyse the individual's relationship to society from the perspectives of functional capacity and participation
- The concept of basic social security
- Employment and unemployment
- Debt and livelyhood
- Health and sickness
- The individual's experiential knowledge

Recommended or Required Reading

- Hänninen, S., Karjalainen, J &Lehtelä K-M. (toim.)2007. Pääsy kielletty!: poiskäännyttämisen politiikka ja sosiaaliturva. Stakes

- Jokinen, E. 2005. Aikuisten arki. Gaudeamus

- Raunio, K. 2006. Syrjäytyminen: sosiaalityötä kiinnostavia näkökulmia. Sosiaali- ja terveysturvan keskusliitto

- Salmi, M & Lammi-Taskula J, Karvonen S & Ahlström S.(toim.)Lapsiperheiden hyvinvointi 2009. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos

- Isola, A-M., Larivaara M & Mikkonen J.(toim.) 2007. Arkipäivän kokemuksia köyhyydestä. Avain

- Poijula,S.2007. Irtisanotut: muutos, menetys ja selviytyminen. Kirjapaja

- Työn sankareita ja selviytyjiä: työ ja hyvinvointi vuoden 2025 Suomessa. 2010.Työterveyslaitos

- Melin, H, Blom R & Kiljunen P.2007. Suomalaiset ja työ: raportti ISSP 2005 Suomen aineistosta.Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto

- Bardy, M. Barkman, J. & Janhunen T. (toim.)2000. Elämäni tarina: lukemisto lapsuuden kokemuksista lastenkodissa ja perhehoidossa. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus

- Komppa, J. 2001. Minä olen. Atena

- Korhonen, R. 2003. Kahden ja yhden yön tarinoita. Sammakko

- Rantala, R-S. 2005. Optimisti: äänetön monologi. Like

- Salonen,J. 2006. Enkelit eivät itke. FinnEpos

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Workshop: lectures, study circle, discussion, group classroom assignments, visiting lecturers. Preliminary assignment

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2:
Students are able to name factors, which create basic security and factors, which cause problems in the lives of adult people and their close communities. Students are aware of the social work carried out among the adult population. Under supervision, students reflect on their own values, attitudes and actions. They know where to seek information pertaining to work, livelyhood and basic social security. Students are able to define factors which affect adults' functional capacity and social engagement from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. Students demonstrate interest in the topic and workshop activities.
Grade 3-4:
Students are able to explain factors pertaining to basic social security, livelyhood and work in social work carried out with the adult population. Students observe and reflect on the diversity of adult people's everyday lives. Students reflect on their own values, attitudes and conceptions with professional ethics. They are able to explain factors which affect adult people's functional capacity and social engagement from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. Students actively contribute to workshop activities.
Grade 5:
Students extensively analyse factors which affect adult people's functional capacity and social engagement. Students are able to explain phenomena pertaining to adult people's everyday lives from the perspectives of the individual, community and society. Students critically evaluate information and their own observations. They reflect on their conceptions of work, livelyhood and basic social security from multiple perspectives. Students are able to evaluate and justify their own values, attitudes and actions. They are capable of developing and activitely contiributing to workshop activities.

Assessment Methods

The assessment consists of the following components: Preliminary assignment 20%, workshop activities including learning circle 40%, setting the objectives, self- evaluation and the output of the workshop 40%.
