Food hygiene and legislation
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | KC03BE30032 |
Type: | Compulsory |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 4.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Pasto, Matti-Pekka |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
BIOEL-2013   |
1 spring   |
4.0   |
2014-01-02   |
2014-07-31   |
Learning Outcomes
Students know the way plan out the principles of producing safe and hygienic food, estimate the risks associated with food and apply the principles of hygiene, as well as the principles of self-monitoring and HACCP. In addition, students learn the more important legislation pertaining to the food industry, they can find and know how to use collections of laws and decrees.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course: 104 h
- of which scheduled studies: 56 h
- of which autonomous studies: 48 h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Introduction to Food Technology
Topics discussed in the course include personal hygiene and working hygienically, pathogenic agents spread by foodstuffs, and self-monitoring and HACCP. The course also involves discussion of the more essential laws, decrees and decisions pertaining to foodstuffs.
Recommended or Required Reading
- Hannu Korkeala (toim.): Elintarvikehygienia ympäristöhygienia, elintarvike- ja ympäristötoksikologia
- Elintarvikelainsäädäntö ja alan ohjeistus. mm. Finlex, Evira.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory work
- Assignments
- E-learning
Assessment Criteria
1-2: The Student understands food hygiene practices, and is able to apply them to the usual problems. Student will be able to work by instructions and safely in the laboratory. Student will be able to obtain information on food legislation.
3-4: The Student understands food hygiene practices, and is able to apply them to the usual problems. Student will be able to work by instructions and safely in the laboratory and is able to present results clearly. Student will be able to obtain information on food legislation extensive.
5: The Student understands food hygiene practices, and is able to apply them to the usual problems extensive. Student will be able to work by instructions and safely in the laboratory and is able to present results clearly and make conclusions. Student will be able to obtain information on food legislation extensive.
Assessment Methods
Examination and reports 60%, legislation 40%
Work Placement