Personnel management and superior work in food chain

Structure Type: Course
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Ojala, Elina (Lehtori)
Teacher Team: Salonen, Marja ; Holma, Heikki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
BIOEL-2014   3 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
PALVELUJ-2014   2 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  
BIOEL-2015   2 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
PALVELUJ-2015   2 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
BIOEL-2016   2 autumn   5.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  
PALVELUJ-2016   2 autumn   5.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

- Students can analyze management and understand various concepts and models and apply this knowledge to the work in the food sector. They can explain the entire sphere of duties of a supervisor involved and in significance of leadership in productive operations. Students will learn the basics of management and leadership and be familiar with the various areas of personnel management and will get readiness to act as a supervisor and as an employee.
-The student is familiar with the system of Employment legislation and is able to apply in practice legislation concerning the rights and duties of the parties of employment relationship. - The student is able to form an opinion on essential contents of the Collective Agreements Act and on the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings. S/he is able to describe and retell legislation concerning social security of the employer.

Student's Workload

- 5 points x 27h = 135h from which lectures 60h, exercises, team work, book examination, online learning, independent study and team work 75h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites.


- basic concepts of management and organisations, wholeness of the superior work and field of the personnel management which includes among others, the supervisors tasks, good employee skills, management styles, acting as an employer and as a figurehead of the organisation, recruiting, orientation, development discussions, feedback, motivation, change management, organisational communication.
- essential regulations of Employment Contracts Act, Collective Agreements Act and Act on Co-operation within Undertakings
- main points of the social security of the employer

Recommended or Required Reading

- Hyppänen, Riitta. 2013 tai 2007. Esimiesosaaminen: liiketoiminnan menestystekijänä. Helsinki: Edita.

- Äimälä – Åström – Rautiainen – Nyyssölä: Käytännön työoikeutta esimiehille

- Employment Contracts (55/2001)
- Collective Agreements Act (7.6.1946/436)
- Act on co-operation within Undertakings (30.3.2007/334)
- Act on Accident Insurance (20.8.1948/608)
- Act on Unemployment Security (30.12.2002/1290)
- Palvelujen ammattiliitto PAM ry. 2007. Majoitus ja ravitsemisalan työntekijöiden työehtosopimus. Kirjapaino Keili.
- Elintarvikealan työntekijöiden työehtosopimukset Availability:
- Other material as indicated during the course

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, book examination, exercises, team word, role-play, online learning.

Assessment Criteria

Students can consider and analyze organisations, management and working in the food sector through different conceptual systems. They can explain the whole of supervisory work and leadership and the meaning of management for a profitable business. They know the basics of management and personnel management.
The student is able to find and apply in practice legislation concerning employment relationship and specially rights and duties of employment relationship´s parties. S/he is able to interpret collective agreements and follow the rules of collective agreements in practice. The student is generally familiar with the legislation concerning the social security of employers.

Students can analyze organisations, management and working in the food sector through different conceptual systems. They can interpret the whole of supervisory work and leadership and the meaning of management for a profitable business. They know the basics of management and personnel management.
The student is able to find and apply in practice legislation concerning employment relationship and
especially rights and duties of employment relationship´s parties. S/he is able to follow the rules of employment contracts in practice. The student has a conception of employer´s social security.

Students can name some concepts of organisations, management and work in the food sector. They can interpret the whole of supervisory work and leadership and the meaning of management for a profitable business. They recognize the basic terms of management and personnel management.
The student is able to find and apply in practice legislation concerning employment relationship and
especially rights and duties of employment relationship´s parties. S/he is able to follow the rules of employment contracts in practice. The student has a conception of employer´s social security.

Assessment Methods

Exercises and examination.

Further Information

Online-learning 1-2 points.
