Accounting and Product Prizing in Small Companies

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA01CMML06
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Laitila, Erkki
Teacher Team: Laitila, Erkki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
MAELINK-2013   4 autumn   5.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

The student is familiar with the principles of accounting systems in small rural companies, is able to build up the the simple system of financial management and is able to create the system of product prizing. The student understands the theoretical ground o fbusiness accounting and accounting systems.

Student's Workload

134 hrs.


By means of theoretical lectures and practical exercices the student gets familiar with the tools and systems used in small companies. The student prepares practical exercises in real decision making situations.

Recommended or Required Reading

The central literature: Blackwell I (2008):How to Prepare a Business Plan (soveltuvin osin), 5th Edition, Kogan Page
Availability :

Toivola A (2006): Verkostoituva yrittäjyys. Strategiana kumppanuus

Järvenpää M.-Länsiluoto A.-Pellinen J. (2013 ): Talousohjaus ja kustannuslaskenta, WSOYpro

KHT-Media Oy: Osakeyhtiön tilinpäätösmalli, uusin painos

Neilimo K.-Uusi-Rauva E. (2007): Johdon laskentatoimi and the material produced by the teachers.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

The studying content of the course consists of theoretical lectures, quided practical exercises and independent work. Lectures 25%, quided and independent work 75%.

Assessment Criteria

The student passes the written tests and has complited and reported acceptably the exercises.
1-2 The student has passed the tests and reported the exercises on the level, that the student knows the central concepts and is able to use those in simple practical decision making.
3-4 The student has passed the tests and reported the exercises on the level, that the student knows the central concepts and is able to use those in varying decision making.
5 The student has passed the tests and reported the exercises on the level, that the student knows the central concepts and is able to create complicated decision making models .

Assessment Methods

Chech the grading criteria.
