Guiding Healthy Physical Education

Structure Type: Course
Code: KG10BP027
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 6.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Svahn, Tarja
Teacher Team: Koivisto, Marjut ; Svahn, Tarja
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
FYSTER-2016   2 autumn   6.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

The students
- will be able to name the current national and the most significant international recommendations on health promotion (exercise, nutrition, clinical practice guidelines) and know how to apply them when counselling/guiding people of all ages on health promotion; they will become aware of principles and methods pertaining to health counselling and guidance and
learn to use a motivating approach to health counselling situations.


-Counselling and guidance methods for health promotion

Recommended or Required Reading

Delavier, F. 2004. Belle Ligne: ryhtiä, kiinteyttä, voimaa. VK-kustannus
Delavier, F. 2006. Lihaskuntoharjoittelun perusteet. VK-kustannus, cop.
Durchman, K. & Jokitalo, M. 2004. Taitavaksi vedessä; soveltavaa uinninopetusta erityistukea tarvitseville uimareille. Ruskeasuon koulu
Heikinaro-Johansson, P., Huovinen, T. (toim.). 2007. Näkökulmia liikuntapedagogiikkaan. WSOY
Richardson, C. 2005. Terapeuttinen harjoittelu ja keskivartalon hallinta : motorisen kontrollin näkökulma alaselkäkivun hoidossa ja ennaltaehkäisyssä. VK-kustannus
Salakari, H. 2007. Taitojen opetus. Eduskills Consulting
Vänskä K. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus? Edita

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Tutorials, lectures, exercises, videoanalyze task

Assessment Criteria

Students make use of important national and international recommendations on health promotion when counselling patients/clients in various physiotherapy situations. They have a strong command over principles and methods used in health counselling and guidance.

Students make use of important national recommendations on health promotion when counselling patients/clients in various physiotherapy situations. They know principles and methods used in health counselling and guidance.

Students make use of some national recommendations on health promotion when counselling patients/clients in various physiotherapy situations and they know to some extent principles and methods used in health counselling and guidance.

Assessment Methods

Theoretical and practical exams, seminar assignments

Work Placement

The course contains assignments and theoretical studies.
