Company Safety and Risk Management

Structure Type: Course
Code: KD07CHYR417
Type: Elective
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Taijala, Beata
Teacher Team: Taijala, Beata
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
LITAKO-2013   4 autumn   4.0   2016-08-01   2016-12-31  
LITAKO-2014   4 autumn   4.0   2017-08-01   2017-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

Students will be familiar with various production facilities and official specifications that regulate operations in them. Upon completion of the curse, students will have command of the basis and various sub-sectors of safety planning and know how to compile and update a company's safety plan. They will also be familiar with current trends and future prospects within the field.

Student's Workload

- scheduled studies 40 h
- autonomous studies 66 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basic studies


Safety plans; Structural safety; Labour protection and ergonomics; Fire protection; Civic defence; Data protection; Special protection; Standby protection; Protection of operations abroad; Product safety

Recommended or Required Reading

- Leppänen, Juha.(2006). Yritysturvallisuus käytännössä : turvallisuusjohtamisen portfolio.:Helsinki : Talentum

- Kerko, Pertti.(2001) Turvallisuusjohtaminen. Jyväskylä : PS-kustanus,

- Kanerva, Reino.(2008) Työ turvalliseksi : työpaikan hyvät työturvallisuuskäytännöt. Helsinki: Edita.

- Suominen, Arto. (2003) Riskienhallinta. 3. uud. p. Porvoo ; Helsinki ; Juva : WSOY, 2003

- other material announced by the lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, exercises, independent work

Assessment Criteria

5: Student recognizes excellently the components of safety and knows excellently safety standards. Student can draft and analyze comprehensive safety plans. Student produces well-reasoned development suggestions to safety management of organizations.
4-3: Student recognizes well the components of safety and knows excellently safety standards. Student can draft and analyze safety plans. Student produces development suggestions to safety management of organizations.
2-1: Student recognizes the components of safety and knows safety standards. Student can draft and analyze small safety plans. Student recognizes major defects in the safety management of organizations.

Assessment Methods

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Work Placement

