Research in Furniture Design

Structure Type: Course
Code: KH14BAKA40
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 6.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Savola, Esa
Teacher Team: Takala-Schreib, Vuokko
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

During the course, students will
o learn about holistic future-oriented thought.
o learn think about the future from different perspectives.

Upon completion of the course, students will be competent in
o naming the ways to acquire information concerning the future.
o communicating using concepts related to future-related information.
o finding new information.
o making conclusions based on the information they find to describe different types of futures.
o correlating and applying future-related information to issues in their profession and to justify their choices.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


o Future-oriented thinking
o Ways to acquire information about the future
o Concepts related to information about the future
o Alternative futures
o Weak signals

Recommended or Required Reading

o Mannermaa, M. 2008. Jokuveli - Elämä ja vaikuttaminen ubiikkiyhteiskunnassa. Helsinki: WSOY.
o Tukiainen, M. 2010. Luova tila –Tulevaisuuden työpaikka. Helsinki: Rakennustieto.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

o Online course: ConnectPro (ACP) video conference lectures and discussions, Moodle assignments and discussions, blog study material, source literature and links
o Lectures by guest lecturers
o Co-operative learning, group processes and independent study

Assessment Criteria

K5 = Ability to analyse and diversely and illustratively apply information and methods, to use essential concepts and critically interpret information, as well as active participation initiative in one’s studies.
H3 = Ability to understand effects, to use essential concepts and critically justify one’s answers, as well as active participation in one’s studies.
T1 = Lacking evidence of analytical and critical know-how but has command of the basic issues, passive participation, answers do not indicate careful preparation of assignments.

Assessment Methods

Grading is based on a scale of 1 to 5 and comprises the following:
- Participation in ConnectPro sessions and lectures by guest lecturers: 25 %
- Completion of Moodle assignments and evidence of learning during discussions: 25 %
- Diverse utilization of blog, expert lectures and other study material in assignments and discussions: 25 %
- Application of knowledge in a course-related project: 25 %
