Welfare and Living Conditions
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | SOSPST20 |
Type: | Compulsory |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 5.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Ranta, Riitta |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
SOSALA-2015   |
1 autumn   |
5.0   |
2015-08-01   |
2015-12-31   |
SOSALA-2016   |
1 autumn   |
5.0   |
2016-08-01   |
2016-12-31   |
Learning Outcomes
Students are able to explain the conceptual foundation of welfare. They can explain how such factors as experienced welfare and health, mental wellbeing, social relations, work, meaningful activities and living conditions affect people's welfare and coping in daily life. Students are able to explain how physical and mental illness, disability and ageing influence people's welfare and ability to function. Students know how to seek information from various publications of organizations and from literature, articles and online sources.
Student's Workload
133 hours, including
- 52 h of contact teaching
- 55 h of independent study
- 26 h of studying at work
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
previous studies are not required
- welfare, experienced welfare, living conditions
- quality of life
- ability to function, health, sickness
- work, ageing, disability
Recommended or Required Reading
- Vaarama M., Karvonen S., Kestilä L., Moisio P.& Muuri A. (toim.) 2014. Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2014. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. s. 1- 144 tai 1- 98.
- Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2010 s. 28-77, 126-179, 216-233. https://www.julkari.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/80297/8cec7cec-5cf3-4209-ba7a-0334ecdb6e1d.pdf?sequence=1#page=127
- http://hyvinvointikompassi.thl.fi/fi/web/hyvinvointikompassi/
- http://www.terveytemme.fi/
- http://uusi.sotkanet.fi/portal/page/portal/etusivu
- Kuronen- Ojala M., Lehtola M.& Rautajoki A. 2014. Etelä-Pohjanmaan, Keski-Pohjanmaa ja Pohjanmaan hyvinvointibarometri 2012. Ajankohtainen arvio pohjalaismaakuntien väestön hyvinvoinnin ja palvelujen tilasta sekä niiden muutossuunnista. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 75. http://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/69067/B75.pdf?sequence=3
- Tilastokeskuksen tilastoja elinoloista http://www.stat.fi/til/eli.html
- https://www.thl.fi/fi/web/hyvinvointipolitiikka/elinolot-ja-hyvinvointi/terveys-ja-toimintakyky
- Toivio, T.& Nordling, E. 2013. Mielenterveyden psykologia. Edita. ss59-66 ja ss.159-237.
Students acquire information of relevant topics, also during the simultaneous course Introduction to Information Skills in the Social Area.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
- Contact teaching 2 cr (52 hours), including lectures, group work, possibly study visits or lectures by experts
- Independent study 2 cr (52 hours), including information seeking, processing and analysis individually and in groups. Exam.
- Studying at work 1 cr (26 hours). Students contact aged, disabled, chronically or mentally ill and work-age people to discuss factors which influence welfare. Students read literature and professional journals dealing with experiential reports of welfare and everyday life. Students analyse this knowledge, comparing it with their conceptual welfare studies. As group work, they produce material to be delivered and taught to other students.
Assessment Criteria
Scale 1-5
Students are able to justify and analyse factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students compare and recognise conflicting elements in factors which influence welfare and living conditions. They are able to give examples and assess factors which promote welfare, also globally. Students extensively seek, select and use professional sources of information.
Students are able to interpret and give examples of factors which affect individual people's and the population's welfare and quality of life. Students can explain effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can explain how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, experienced welfare and ability to function. Students can explain effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfare. They are able to apply their knowledge and give examples of factors which promote natioanal welfare. Students seek and use professional sources of information.
Students are able to define the concept of welfare and recognise factors which affect individual people's welfare. Students can recognise effects of living conditions on people's daily life and experienced welfare. They can conclude and give examples of how work, health, physical and mental illness, ageing and disability affect people's welfare, quality of life and ability to function. Students can name effects of worklife and meaningful activities on people's everyday life and welfares. Students know how to seek professional sources of information.
Assessment Methods
Learning assignment. Other assessment criteria will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Work Placement
the study course includes practice
Further Information
The course Introduction to Information Skills in the Social Area is carried out at the same time.