Social Security from Client Perspective
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | SOSAPJ30 |
Type: | Elective |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 5.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Saariaho, Marja-Liisa |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester
Curriculum   | Semester   | Credits   | Start of Semester   | End of Semester |
SOSALA-2015   |
1 autumn   |
5.0   |
2015-08-01   |
2015-12-31   |
SOSALA-2016   |
1 autumn   |
5.0   |
2016-08-01   |
2016-12-31   |
Learning Outcomes
Students are able to name important actors of the welfare society's social security system. Student know how to define the actors' contribution and responsibilities in organising and producing welfare. With help of their knowledge of the service provision system, students become aware of the preconditions of citizens' social welfare. Students can explain what kind of help and support is available to clients in different life situations. With help of case studies, students learn to detect citizens' service needs and service pathways. Students learn about the regional and local practices, cultures and cooperation models of social welfare actors. They evaluate the contents, usefulness and action principles of social security services from the perspective of meeting client needs. Students become motivated to seek information about the social security system during their studies.
Student's Workload
133 hours
- 42 hours in the classroom
- 91 hours of group work and independent study
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
The course is undertaken simultanously or after the course Introduction to Welfare society
- the combination of social and health services
- social benefits
- social assistance
- social services
- the public, private and third sector as providers of social and health services
- the most important social and health services and benefits, case study
Recommended or Required Reading
- Havakka, P., Niemelä, M. & Uusitalo, H. (toim.) 2012. Sosiaalivakuutus. Finva Finanssi- ja vakuutuskustannus.
- Pentikäinen, T. & Rantala, J. 2013. Vakuutusoppi. Finanssi ja vakuutuskustannus Oy.
- Ihalainen J. & Kettunen T. 2011. Turvaverkko vai trampoliini : sosiaaliturvan mahdollisuudet. 6. p. WSOYpro.
- Toimeentulotuki, Opas toimeentulotukilain soveltajille, Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisu 2013:4, Helsinki 2013,
- Toimeentuloturva kehdosta keinutuoliin. STM esitteitä 2014:7. Saatavana:
- Sosiaaliturvaopas pitkäaikaissairaille ja vammaisille, Verkkojulkaisu järjestöjen työntekijöille. Saatavana:
- Sosiaaliturvaopas. Kehitysvammaisten tukiliitto. Saatavana:
- brochures and online material
- in addition other material introduced by the lecturer
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
lectures, assignments individually, in pairs and in groups, expert visitors, study visits, seminar, exam
Assessment Criteria
Scale 1-5
Students analyse connections between the social security system and individual, community-level and social background factors. Students are able to name contents, usefulness and action principles of the social security system from the perspective of meeting client needs. Students know how to evaluate and compare the function of the social security system and the practices and cooperation of various actors both regionally and locally.
Based on case studies, students are aware of the contents, usefulness and action principles of the social security system. With help of case studies, students detect service needs and pathways for clients in various life situations. They are able to compare the practices, cooperation and responsiblities of the actors within the social security system from the client perspective.
Students recognise the most important actors of the social security system. They are able to name and seek the most important social and health services, as well as their implementation and application practices from the client perspective.
Assessment Methods
lectures, assignments individually, in pairs or in groups , seminar presentations, exam
Work Placement
the course does not include practice
Further Information
Students choose between this course and the course Social Security in Welfare Society