Students will be so well acquainted with crop production machinery, that they are able to plan effective and economical machinery systems for a crop production farm.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course: 160 h
- of which scheduled studies and exercises 80 h
- of which autonomous studies 80 h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Fundamentals of agricultural technology.
- Machines and equipment used in crop production-
- Influence of the distance, size and shape of a field on machine efficiency
- Efficiency of machines and equipment and the factors affecting it
- Determining the power requirements of a machine
- Tractive performance and power selection
- Farm logistics
- Alternative ways to purchase machinery and tractor capacity
- TTS Manager program
Recommended or Required Reading
Tiainen R. (toim.) 2005. Maatilatalouden teknologia Karttunen, J. 2004. Maidontuottajien teknologiavalinnat suurissa tuotantoyksiköissä - Karkearehun käsittelyketjut ja karjanhoitotöiden työnmenekki. Työtehoseuran julkaisuja 394 Klemola, E. ym. Lohkon koon ja muodon taloudelliset vaikutukset. Työtehoseuran julkaisuja 386 Pentti, S. 2006. Peltoliikenteen optimointi. Työtehoseuran maataloustiedote 593 Karttunen, J. ym. 2004. Säilörehun korjuuketjun suunnittelu. Työtehoseuran maataloustiedote 568
Witney, B. 1988. Choosing and Using Farm Machinery. Longman Scintific and Technical
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
- Contact teaching: 50 %
- Assignment and other independent study: 50 %
Assessment Criteria
Level 1. Students will be able to explain the operation principles of the most common machines and equipment used in crop production. They will also be able to make a mechanization plan for a farm they know well.
Level 3. Students will be able to choose appropriate machines and equipment for machine systems on different types of farms. They can argue their machine systems choices by using technological measures and expressions.
Level 5. Students will be able to analyse the influence of different machine and equipment work on the crop and soil. Students will be able make a mechanization plan for a given farm. They can give reasons for their choices by using varying calculations.
Assessment Methods
- Active participation in practical assignments
- Approved written assignments