National economy and forest policy

Structure Type: Course
Code: KB02AYHKT4
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 4.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Raittila, Erkki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

National economy

Students will be familiar with the key concepts of national economy as well as with related sources of information and statistics. They will also be familiar with the factors associated with economic growth, location of production, pricing, and market disruption. Students will understand the economic cycle and know how to assess the impact of various factors on it. Finally, students will be familiar with the means and influences of financial and economic policies.

Forest policy

Students will be familiar with the structures of the forest industry and timber trade and understand the goals and means of national and international forest policy.

Student's Workload

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies are required.


National economy
- Basic concepts
- Markets
- Pricing and well-being
- Economic growth and foreign trade
- Statistices pertaining to the national economy
- Financial and economic policy
- Economic systems, integration and the global economy
- Trends in economic development

Forest policy
- Forest reserves and owning forests in Finland
- Organisations associated with the forest industry
- Forestry legislation
- Forestry schemes
- Taxation in the forest economy and employment impact
- Sources of statistics for the forest industry and timber trade
- Forest economy in the EU and globally

Recommended or Required Reading

- Pekkarinen J. & Sutela P. Kansantaloustiede

- Kiviniemi M. 2004. Metsäoikeus. Kustannus oy Metsälehti.
- Ollonqvist P. 1998. Metsäpolitiikka ja sen tekijät. Chapters 1, 8, 9 in full, summaries of other chapters
- Latest follow-up report for the Kansallinen metsäohjelma (national forest scheme) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Other material as indicated

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

- Lectures
- Group work
- Field trips
- Exam

Assessment Criteria

Grading will be announced during the course.

Assessment Methods

- Participation in field trips
- Completion of assignments
- Exam

Grading is based on a scale of 1 to 5.

Work Placement

