Analysing and developing a business

Structure Type: Course
Code: KD07APYR105
Type: Compulsory
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 9.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Mutka-Vierula, Kristiina
Teacher Team: Hannu, Helena ; Mutka-Vierula, Kristiina ; Palomäki, Hannu ; Palomäki, Juhani ; Potka-Soininen, Tuulia ; Salonen, Marja ; Råtts, Saija ; Salmela, Pirjo ; Turunen, Tero
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
LITAKO-2013   1 spring   9.0   2014-01-02   2014-07-31  
LITAKO-2014   1 spring   9.0   2015-01-02   2015-07-31  

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to analyze and develop a business. The student is able to explain, why it is necessary for a company to keep up continuous development and how changes in the operational environment of a company affect it. The student is able to prepare financial statements and carry on the permanent accounts to the next financial year. The student is able to use the essential modules of ERP-system. The student is able to hold meetings necessary according to the company law and is able to draw up the minutes of the meetings.

Student's Workload

- lectures and guided practice h
- independent work h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

- Planning a Business
- Starting up a Business
- Running a Business


- Analyzing and developing a company
- Sustainable development
- Company growth and future strategy
- networking
- Financial Statements
- Analyzing profit and financial status
- Budgeting next financial year
- Analyzing group performance.

Recommended or Required Reading

- Bergström S. ja Leppänen A.: Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi, Edita, Helsinki

- Eskola, A. ja Mäntysaari A.: Talousosaamisen perusteet, WSOY Oppimateriaalit Oy, Helsinki

- teacher's material

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

- Lectures and guided exercises
- Working in a practice enterprise

Assessment Criteria

Excellent (5): The student has carried out work to an excellent standard and participated actively and constructively. The student is able to analyze and develop a business. The student is able to explain, why it is necessary for a company to keep up continuous development and how changes in the operational environment of a company affect it. The student is able to prepare financial statements and carry on the permanent accounts to the next financial year. The student is able to hold meetings necessary according to the company law and is able to draw up the minutes of the meetings.
Good (4-3): The student has carried out work well and participated actively. The student is able to plan business operations. The student is able to analyze and develop a business. The student is able to explain, why it is necessary for a company to keep up continuous development and how changes in the operational environment of a company affect it. The student is able to prepare financial statements and carry on the permanent accounts to the next financial year. The student is able to hold meetings necessary according to the company law and is able to draw up the minutes of the meetings.
Satisfactory (2-1): The student has carried out work and participated as instructed. The student is able to plan business operations. The student is able to analyze and develop a business. The student is able to explain, why it is necessary for a company to keep up continuous development and how changes in the operational environment of a company affect it. The student is able to prepare financial statements and carry on the permanent accounts to the next financial year. The student is able to hold meetings necessary according to the company law and is able to draw up the minutes of the meetings.

Assessment Methods

- individual work: exam in information technology (30 %), exam in accounting (20 %), learning diary (10 %), self assessment (10 %) and peer assessment (20 %)
- group assignments:topic to be announced later (10 %)
- participation in group work (pass/fail)

Work Placement

Work placement is not included in the course.
