Energy Efficiency and Carbon Balance Calculations

Structure Type: Course
Code: KA26YVSO106
Type: Elective
Level: Master
Credits: 5.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Lauhanen, Risto
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Course Implementations, Planned Year of Study and Semester

Curriculum  Semester  Credits  Start of Semester  End of Semester
B101-2014   2 autumn   5.0   2015-08-01   2015-12-31  

Learning Outcomes

The student will know the basic terms and principles for low-carbon society of post-petroleum period, energy efficiency and carbon balance calculations. The student can carry out professional carbon balance and energy calculations and use them in order to develop his/her own organization and promote low-carbon business and society.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course is 135 h, of which:
- scheduled studies 45 h
- autonomous studies and exam 90 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basics of Bioenergy Technology, Forest Energy Procurement and Utilization


-Bioenconomy and carbon issues
-Energy efficiency and energy balance calculation
-Carbon balances calculation

Recommended or Required Reading

-Asikainen, A. , Ilvesniemi, H. , Sievänen, R. , Vapaavuori, E. & Muhonen, T. 2012. Bioenergia, ilmaston muutos ja Suomen metsät. Metlan työraportteja 240. 211 s.

-Hautanen, J. & Ojanen, P. 2014. Eri kaasujen ja metsänhoitotöiden merkitys metsien kasvihuonekaasutaseessa: esimerkkinä Etelä- ja Keski-Pohjanmaa. Metsätieteen Aikakauskirja 1/2014: 3-12.

-Lauhanen, R. ym. 2014. Metsäenergialaskukirja ilmestyy 10/2014.

-Mikkola. H.J. 2012. Peltobioenergian tuotanto Suomessa. Väitöskirja.

-Ojanen, Paavo 2014. Estimation of greenhouse gas balance for forestry-drained peatlands. University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences

-Other material will be pointed out in the beginning of the course

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

-Calculation exercises
-Group based assignments

Assessment Criteria

Will be announced in the beginning of the course

Assessment Methods

-Active participation on lectures and visits (approved / fail)
-Written exam 75 %
-Assignments 25 %

Work Placement

