Practical training: Supporting elderly people's functional capacity at home
Structure Type:
8.0 points
Responsible Teacher:
Hietaniemi, Elina
Teacher Team:
Hietaniemi, Elina ; Lahti, Marita ; Koivula, Anna-Kaarina
Language of Instruction:
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn to assess and anticipate elderly people's functional capacity and need for services in relation to their resources and individual lives in the home environment. Students will promote social engagement and empowerment and respect elderly people's self-determination. They will learn essential nursing interventions and pharmacotherapy for elderly clients. Students will also learn to analyse quality factors in home care and work in multi-professional home care teams.
Student's Workload
208 hours
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies are required.
Planning, implementation and evaluation of home care for elderly people; care and service plans; the client's home as work environment; multiprofessionalism, client-centredness and ethics in home care; first line management in home care.
Recommended or Required Reading
Engeström, Niemelä, Nummijoki & Nyman (toim.)2010.Lupaava kotihoito. Uusia toimintamalleja vanhustyöhön (assigned parts) PS-kustannus; Heinola, R. (toim.)2007. Asiakaslähtöinen kotihoito.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Orientation lectures and seminar, practical training, learning assignments
Assessment Criteria
Level 1
Students still have a narrow overview of home care. They identify some factors that affect home-living elderly people's welfare, functional capacity and need for services. Students are aware of some principles of multiprofessional collaboration in meeting the needs of elderly people. Students are able to draw up an adequate care and service plan and under supervision, they are able to administer medication.
Level 2
Students have a good overview of home care. They are able to assess elderly people's needs and plan and implement services for them in collaboration with other professionals. Students are familiar with the principles of multiprofessional collaboration in meeting the needs of elderly clients. They are able to draw up a good care and service plan and to administer medicines correctly. They are also able to evaluate the quality of home care.
Level 3
Students have an extensive overview of home care. They are able to assess elderly people's needs and plan and implement services for them in collaboration with other professionals. Students have integrated the principles of multiprofessional collaboration into their practice to meet the needs of elderly clients. They know how to empower elderly clients while respecting clients' self-determination. Students demonstrate an extensive command over care and service planning and pharmacotherapy. They are also able to extensively evaluate the quality of home care.
Assessment Methods
Practical training, learning journal based on pre-set themes, care and service plan and participation in seminar work. Numerical assessment 1-5.