Holistic Tourism Product Development
Structure Type: | Course |
Code: | LTVAML104 |
Type: | Elective |
Level: | Bachelor |
Credits: | 5.0 points |
Responsible Teacher: | Janhunen, Jenny |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Learning Outcomes
The student is able to define the basic fundamental concepts of tourism product development. Student understands the holistic tourism product development process. Student is able to innovate, plan, price and evaluate tourism products, services and experiences. Student knows how to use research knowledge in tourism business. Student is able to adapt foresight knowledge on future trends in tourism product development.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course 135h of which scheduled studies 25h and autonomous studies 110h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Tourism as a global phenomenon
Responsible rural tourism
Tourism products, services and experiences
Holistic tourism product development, customer- and co-creation perspective
Basics of pricing and packaging
Foresight in tourism product development
Recommended or Required Reading
Boxberg, M. & Komppula, R. (2002). Matkailuyrityksen tuotekehitys. Edita.
García-Rosell, J-C., Kylänen, M., Pitkänen, K., Tekoniemi-Selkälä, T. & Vanhala, A. (2010). Matkalun tuotekehittäjän käsikirja. Luettavissa: http://matkailu.luc.fi/Tuotekehitys/Etusivu.iw3
García-Rosell, Haanpää, Kylänen & Markuksela 2007: From Firms to Extended Markets: A Cultural Approach to Tourism Product Development. Tourism – An Interdisciplinary Journal, 55(4), 445-459. Luettavissa: http://hrcak.srce.hr/file/38859
Kalliomäki, A. Tarinallistaminen – Palvelukokemuksen punainen lanka. Talentum.
Tarssanen, S. (toim.) (2009). Elämystuottajan käsikirja. Lapin elämysteollisuuden osaamis-keskus (LEO). Rovaniemi: Sevenprint.
Veijola, S. (2013). Matkailututkimuksen lukukirja. Porvoo: Bookwell.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Visitig lecturers and work shops
Online studies
Assessment Criteria
Excellent (5): The student has carried out the course assignments excellently and actively participated in the study unit. The student can describe tourism products, services and experi-ences from the perspective of production and consumption, and the relationship between them. The student is able to describe the process of holistic tourism product development from the customer-oriented and operating environment view. The student is capable of plan-ning, pricing, executing and evaluating tourism products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future trends and megatrends to support the proactive product devel-opment process in tourism companies.
Good (4-3): The student has carried out the course assignments well and actively participated in the study unit. The student can describe tourism products, services and experiences from the perspective of production and consumption, and the relationship between them. The stu-dent is able to describe the process of holistic tourism product development from the custom-er-oriented and operating environment view. The student is capable of planning, pricing, exe-cuting and evaluating tourism products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future trends and megatrends to support the proactive product development process in tourism companies.
Satisfactory (2-1): The student has carried out the course assignments and participated in the study unit. The student can describe tourism products, services and experiences from the perspective of production and consumption, and the relationship between them. The student is able to describe the process of holistic tourism product development from the customer-oriented and operating environment view. The student is capable of planning, pricing, executing and evaluating tourism products and services. The student recognizes and is able to evaluate future trends and megatrends to support the proactive product development process in tourism companies.
Work Placement