Tourism as a global phenomenon

Structure Type: Course
Code: LTVAML106
Type: Free choise
Level: Bachelor
Credits: 3.0 points
Responsible Teacher: Janhunen, Jenny
Teacher Team: Janhunen, Jenny
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to
- define the nature and characteristics of tourism industry
- interpret the basic fundamental concepts of tourism
- present holistic impacts of tourism in society and environment
- use research knowledge in tourism business
- adapt digital tools in the development of future tourism

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites.


- Tourism as global and regional phenomenon
- Holistic impacts of tourism and special characteristics of the industry
- Tourism business, digital business environment
- Tourism future and trends

Recommended or Required Reading

Kortesluoma, A. (2013) Etelä-Pohjanmaan matkailustrategia vuosille 2013–2017.
TEM, 2015: Yhdessä enemmän – Suomen matkailun kasvun ja uudistumisen tiekartta 2015–2025
TEM, 2014: Suomen matkailun tulevaisuuden näkymät. Katse vuoteen 2030.
Veijola, S. (2013) (toim.) Matkailututkimuksen lukukirja. Porvoo: Bookwell

Additional literature, reports and research papers (announced at the beginning of the course)

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures (contact lessons and online)
Independent work online

Assessment Criteria

Excellent (5): The student has carried out the course assignments excellently and actively participated in the study unit. The student is able describe tourism as a global phenomenon and explain the special characteristics of the tourism industry. The student knows how to examine tourism through its social, ecological, economic, cultural and political dimensions towards responsible tourism. The student is familiar with and knows how to use digital tools and programs significant to tourism business and marketing. The student recognizes the significance of interaction and multiculturalism as part of tourism work and business. The student is capable of detecting global trends and megatrends and explain their meanings in tourism. The student is able to apply tourism research to development both in tourism companies and in destinations.

Good (4-3): The student has carried out the course assignments well and actively participated in the study unit. The student is able describe tourism as a global phenomenon and explain the special characteristics of the tourism industry. The student knows how to examine tourism through its social, ecological, economic, cultural and political dimensions towards responsible tourism. The student is familiar with and knows how to use digital tools and programs significant to tourism business and marketing. The student recognizes the significance of interaction and multiculturalism as part of tourism work and business. The student is capable of detecting global trends and megatrends and explain their meanings to tourism. The student is able to apply tourism research to development both in tourism companies and in destinations.

Satisfactory (2-1): The student has carried out the course assignments and participated in the study unit. The student is able describe tourism as a global phenomenon and explain the special characteristics of the tourism industry. The student knows how to examine tourism through its social, ecological, economic, cultural and political dimensions towards responsible tourism. The student is familiar with and knows how to use digital tools and programs significant to tourism business and marketing. The student recognizes the significance of interaction and multiculturalism as part of tourism work and business. The student is capable of detecting global trends and megatrends and explain their meanings to tourism. The student is able to apply tourism research to development both in tourism companies and in destinations.

Assessment Methods

- learning assignments
- participation in a discussion groups during lectures and online
- self-reflection of the learning experience and feedback of the course

Work Placement


Further Information
