Integration and risks of exclusion during adolescence
Structure Type:
8.0 points
Teacher Team:
Hemminki, Arja ; Niinimäki, Asta
Language of Instruction:
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn to name factors that affect young people's functional capacity, social engagement and risks of exclusion. They will seek information of youth as a life stage and, under supervision, reflect on their own values, attitudes and actions.
Student's Workload
Total number of hours 208, including
-independent assignment 39 hours
-workshop 156 hours
-workshop outcome 13 hours
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
The major part of the first year courses
- Theories of youth and social exclusion
- Factors that affect a young person's growth and development
- Family and the close community as a growth environment
- School and employment issues
- The need for child protection
- Risk factors of social exclusion
Recommended or Required Reading
-Polarisoituva nuoruus? Nuorten elinolot - vuosikirja 2008. Autio, M., Eräranta, K. & Myllyniemi, S. (toim.) Nuorisotutkimusverkosto/Nuorisotutkimusseura, julkaisuja 84.
-Lasten ja nuorten kunta. Gretschel, A. & Kiilakoski, T. (toim.) Nuorisotutkimusverkosto/Nuorisotutkimusseura Julkaisuja 77.
-Nuorisotyön ja sosiaalityön jaetut kentät. Puheenvuoroja asiantuntijuudesta, käytännöistä ja kohtaamisista. 2009. Raitakari, S. & Virokangas, E. (toim.) Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusseura.
-Pösö, T. 2004. Vakavat silmät ja muita kokemuksia koulukodista. Stakes.
-Suomen Nuorisoyhteistyö allianssi ry:n verkkopalvelu:
-Nuoren aika. 2003. Aaltonen, M. Ojala, T. Vinhunen, R. & Vilen, M. WSOY.
-teacher's material
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Work shop: collaborative learning, activating lectures and discussions, independent study, group work, independent assignments based on literature, learning journal, expert visits, preliminary assignment.
Assessment Criteria
Grade 1-2:
Students are able to name factors that affect young people's functional capacity, social engagement and risks of exclusion. They know how to seek information about youth as a life stage and about young people's social exlusion and social engagement. Under supervision, they reflect on their values, attitudes and actions.
Grade 3-4:
Students are able to explain factors that affect young people's functional capacity, social engagement and risks of exclusion. They know how to observe, seek information about and reflect on youth as a life stage and on young people's social exclusion and social engagement. Students reflect on their own values, attitudes and actions with reference to professional ethics.
Grade 5:
Students are able to extensively analyse factors that affect young people's functional capacity, social engagement and risks of exclusion. They are able to explain causes and consequences of young people's social engagment and exclusion at the levels of individuals, communities and society. They know how to critically and analytically observe and seek information and extensively reflect on their own conceptions of youth and young people's social exclusion. Students reflect on and evaluate their own values, attitudes and actions with reference to professional ethics. They look at all young people as unique individuals.
Assessment Methods
The assessment consists of the following components: Preliminary assignment 25%, group assignment 30%, learning journal 25%, individual assignment 20%.